Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Forest and Ownership of the Land

By Liliana Usvat

I just came back from a trip to Miami Florida.
I usually spent  the time between flights by reading.
If I find a good idea in the book that I am reading I consider that time a time well spent.

I usually find good ideas. This time I read an autobiography: "Frank Stronach The Magna Man My road to Economic Freedom." ( Frank Stronach is a Canadian immigrant from Austria that built an empire within a 50 years of time span in Canada employing 110,000 people having 380 factories in 38 countries and a $30 billions in sales at the present date. He arrived in Canada with no money and started with a tool and die shop.)

Here is one idea from the book that I totally agree with.

"A ownership mentality is a powerful force. It transform the world around us You can give the most fruitful and productive land to renters, people with no stake in the ownership of future of the property and over time the property will likely turn into overgrown bush or desert. But if you give people ownership of some dry and rocky land they will work to transform it into flourishing gardens full of food and flowers. And so it is with society."

I believe this is the solution to transform large portions of desert and rocky land into forests. The ownership of the land to families. The ownership of the land will brig back the equilibrium of the ecosystems.

Blog 141-365

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Liliana Usvat: Dragon Fruit Tree - Anti Cancer Super Fruit

Liliana Usvat: Dragon Fruit Tree - Anti Cancer Super Fruit

Dragon Fruit Tree - Anti Cancer Super Fruit

By Liliana Usvat

"Pitahaya" or "Dragonfruit" is the fruit of several cactus species.

Pitahaya-producing cacti of the genus Hylocereus are originally native to Mexico, and they were also transplanted to Central America and to other parts of the world.

Currently, they are also cultivated in East Asian and Southeast Asian countries such as Cambodia, Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Indonesia and more recently Bangladesh.

The fruit was probably introduced by Europeans who brought it from the New World. In the case of Taiwan, the fruit was brought in by the Dutch.

Health Benefits 

  • Dragon Fruit Antioxidants - Eat dragon fruit as a good natural source of anti-oxidants which help to prevent the dangers of free radicals which can cause cancer and other undesirable health detriments
  • The fruit has been hailed as having remarkable health-giving properties, including the ability to regulate blood sugar levels in diabetes as well as providing a dose of anti-oxidants.
  • Dragon Fruit Vitamin C - The amount of vitamin C in dragon fruit is high

  • Dragon Fruit Cholesterol -Dragon fruit is both low in cholesterol and has little to no unhealthy cholesterol producing fats 
  • Dragon Fruit Fiber - Dietary fiber is an important nutrition factor for everyone from young to old, and the best way to get dietary fiber is to eat fruits and vegetables including fruits like the dragon fruit. 
  • 50% of the seeds were made up of an essential fatty acid, oleic acid, which helps lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol.

  • a study indicates regular consumption of dragon fruit may lower the risks of developing heart disease and developing high blood pressure.
  • Dragon fruit is high in antioxidants. Studies show that antioxidants may be effective at lowering risk of certain types of cancer.
  • The seeds contain omega-3 fats. A great deal of research shows that omega-3 fatty acids can fight inflammation and autoimmune diseases.
  • Because of its nutritional makeup, including antioxidants, monounsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and fiber, pitaya is a beauty-enhancing fruit.
Also known as pitaya, dragonfruit is a hemi-epiphytic cactus that produces large and tasty fruits with neon pink skin and a surprising white flesh that's peppered with tiny black seeds. These seeds are really easy to germinate, and the patient gardener will one day be rewarded with a fruit bearing plant of her own!

 Blog 140-365