We need to stop the chemtrails and geoengineering activities on this planet.
Start reforestation activities using the systems in place the organisations that are focused o destruction of life to be focused on regeneration of life .
Permaculture principles should be implemented in large scale in the globe.
Land should be divided and given in stewardship to thise that can and want to reforestation the land and care for the plots reforested.
Tv internet television should have shows daily based on regeneratuon of the earth of the soil if the atmosphere via reforestation permaculture planning fruit trees .
All chemtrails should stop immediately.
All sound weapons and microwave the atmosphere should cease immediately.
All nuclear testing and biological weapon laboratory should cease to exist.
We need a.world of beauty peace regreening the deserts.
Oil exploration should be transformed into alternative energies research and development.
Oil should be let in the ground is the blood of the earth.
Harp type of enterpruses shod stop to exist. I am aware if at least 17 such facilities.
The existence of geoengineering in Canada and USA are proves by the official documents
Weather manipulation chemtrails Canadian documents