Blog 264-365
Let's follow the money to find what is happening with the Canadian's forest.
Forest inventory 2013
Forest area by classification (hectares)
Forest land 347,575,750
Other land with tree cover 8,498,940
Other wooded land 40,865,660
Total area 396,940,350
Forest ownership
Provincial 76.6%
Territorial 12.9%
Private 6.2%
Aboriginal 2.0%
Federal 1.6%
Insects (hectares, 2012)
Area defoliated by insects and containing beetle-killed trees 8,582,720
Fires (2013)
Area burned (hectares) 4,203,867
Number of fires 2013 6,246
Forest management
Harvesting (2012)
Area harvested (hectares) 594,003
Volume harvested (cubic metres) 151,978,000
Regeneration (hectares, 2012)
Area planted 347,127
Area seeded 10,576
Third-party certification (hectares, 2013)
Area certified 152,937,728
Protected forest (IUCN categories)
Ia Strict nature reserve 0.10%
Ib Wilderness area 1.90%
II Ecosystem conservation and protection 4.20%
III Conservation of natural features 0.50%
IV Conservation through active management 0.20%
V Landscape conservation and recreation 0.02%
Domestic economic impact
Contribution to nominal GDP (current dollars, 2013)
Forestry and logging industry 4,100,000,000
Pulp and paper product manufacturing industry 8,000,000,000
Wood product manufacturing industry 8,800,000,000
Total contribution to nominal GDP 20,900,000,000
Balance of trade (total exports, dollars, 2013) 19,205,972,823
Value of domestic exports (dollars, 2013)
Primary wood products 1,300,128,228
Pulp and paper products 15,729,889,975
Wood-fabricated materials 11,388,478,205
Total value of exports 28,418,496,408
Value of imports (dollars, 2013) 9,377,990,632
Let's follow the money to find what is happening with the Canadian's forest.
Forest inventory 2013
Forest area by classification (hectares)
Forest land 347,575,750
Other land with tree cover 8,498,940
Other wooded land 40,865,660
Total area 396,940,350
Forest ownership
Provincial 76.6%
Territorial 12.9%
Private 6.2%
Aboriginal 2.0%
Federal 1.6%
Insects (hectares, 2012)
Area defoliated by insects and containing beetle-killed trees 8,582,720
Fires (2013)
Area burned (hectares) 4,203,867
Number of fires 2013 6,246
Forest management
Harvesting (2012)
Area harvested (hectares) 594,003
Volume harvested (cubic metres) 151,978,000
Regeneration (hectares, 2012)
Area planted 347,127
Area seeded 10,576
Third-party certification (hectares, 2013)
Area certified 152,937,728
Protected forest (IUCN categories)
Ia Strict nature reserve 0.10%
Ib Wilderness area 1.90%
II Ecosystem conservation and protection 4.20%
III Conservation of natural features 0.50%
IV Conservation through active management 0.20%
V Landscape conservation and recreation 0.02%
Domestic economic impact
Contribution to nominal GDP (current dollars, 2013)
Forestry and logging industry 4,100,000,000
Pulp and paper product manufacturing industry 8,000,000,000
Wood product manufacturing industry 8,800,000,000
Total contribution to nominal GDP 20,900,000,000
Balance of trade (total exports, dollars, 2013) 19,205,972,823
Value of domestic exports (dollars, 2013)
Primary wood products 1,300,128,228
Pulp and paper products 15,729,889,975
Wood-fabricated materials 11,388,478,205
Total value of exports 28,418,496,408
Value of imports (dollars, 2013) 9,377,990,632