Monday, March 31, 2014

Cockspur (Acacia cornigera)


Sometimes called the Bullhorn or Cow Thorn, this plant has a symbiotic relationship with an aggressive and painful species of ant (Pseudomyrmex ferruginea). The ants live in its thorns and protect the tree from encroaching plants, trying to grow near its trunk or leaves high in the canopy. The ants also emerge from the thorns to attack other insects, humans and animals that come in contact with the tree.
The Pseudomyrmex ferruginea ants have been used as a bush medicine for relief of mucous congestion in infants which are given water containing the ants (once they've been squeezed and strained). Snake doctors use the Cockspur bark and root to slow down snake venom from entering the bloodstream. Acne and other skin conditions can be treated by bathing in water in which the thorns have been boiled.

Copal (Protium copal)

This was a sacred tree of the ancient Maya who used the resin as a ceremonial incense, as well as to ward off evil spirits and the evil eye (it is believed that people can harm others by their envious glances).
The resin was once widely used to treat tooth cavities. They would stuff it into the cavity and several days later, the tooth broke and was removed. Bush Doctors will make a powder made from the bark to be applied to wounds, sores and infections. The bark is also used in a tea (taken before each meal), to treat intestinal parasites.

Ginger Root


For over two thousand years Chinese Medicine has recommended ginger to treat a number of health problems. The influx of Chinese immigrants to Belize has resulted in the addition of Ginger Root as a bush remedy to combat all forms of nausea and vomiting, including appetite loss, indigestion and motion sickness. Comparisons between ginger and prescription or non-prescription drugs for motion sickness relief have been conducted, and similar effectiveness was seen between ginger and drugs. It is also taken to relieve toothache pain, loosen phlegm, to relieve gas, sore throats, headaches, ulcerative colitis, some types of menstrual pain, arthritis pain, as well as fevers and aches caused by colds and flu.