Friday, August 19, 2022

Tree Talk

280 years old tree
He had seen a lot of human generations come and go
In this land there were other types of trees that were cut and replaced with other types in fashion
It used to be a dense forest in the beach that was protecting the shore.
Trees have individuality but they communicate with a common consciousness that allows them access to the information accumulated by the trees all over the world.
This tree is one of the oldest in the beach.
The old trees teach rhe younger ine to communicate.

The tree had a disease but healed himself producing sap that engulfed the disease.

It was equivalent to cancer to people and people can do the same and heal themselves.

This tree is teaching those around him to talk and to heal themselves.

This resort acknowledge the importance of trees for the protection and stabilization of the beach.

There is a tree interspecie telepatic communication.  Also they can communicate with birds and people telepatic. The trees are the protectors of life.

The other trees are under 25 years coconuts trees.
Trees can see the future where their life will be protected by human species.
Trees will not be cut in the future and massive reforestation will take place.

Old trees will teach the young ones to talk protect themselves against bad weather and diseases.

They protect the wild life.

They can teach humans a thing or two.
For to stay healthy.

Rhe less.fruits a trees produces the linger it lives. Same with people and animals.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Geoengineering and the Forests

We need to stop the chemtrails and geoengineering activities on this planet. 

Start reforestation activities using the systems in place the organisations that are focused o  destruction of life to be focused on regeneration of life .

Permaculture principles should be implemented in large scale in the globe.

Land should be divided and given in stewardship to thise that can and want to reforestation the land and care for the plots reforested.

Tv internet television should have shows daily based on regeneratuon of the earth of the soil if the atmosphere via reforestation permaculture planning fruit trees .

All chemtrails should stop immediately. 
All sound weapons and microwave the atmosphere should cease immediately. 

All nuclear testing and biological weapon laboratory should cease to exist.

We need of beauty peace regreening the deserts.

Oil exploration should be transformed into alternative energies research and development. 

Oil should be let in the ground is the blood of the earth.

Harp type of enterpruses shod stop to exist. I am aware if at least 17 such facilities.

The existence of geoengineering in Canada and USA are proves by the official documents 

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Geoengineering a Treat to the Forests

This is very serious. 
How can we stop these people to spray us with toxic materials?
What can we do to stop the destruction of the forests and lige on this earth?
How can we get to the decision makers to stop it?
If anyone has any ideea please do something!!! 

This is really really important.