Saturday, September 11, 2021

Snowberry Symphoricarpos Albus

Use by People:  Snowberries are high in saponins, which are poorly absorbed by the body.  Although they are largely considered poisonous, (given names like ‘corpse berry’ or ‘snake’s berry’), some tribes ate them fresh or dried them for later consumption.  The berries were used as a shampoo to clean hair.  Crushed berries were also rubbed on the skin to treat burns, warts, rashes and sores; and rubbed in armpits as an antiperspirant.  Various parts were infused and used as an eyewash for sore eyes.  A tea made from the roots was used for stomach disorders; a tea made from the twigs was used for fevers.  Branches were tied together to make brooms.  Bird arrows were also made from the stems.

Use by Wildlife: Saponins are much more toxic to some animals, such as fish; hunting tribes sometimes put large quantities of snowberries in streams or lakes to stupefy or kill fish. “The Green River tribe say that when these berries are plentiful, there will be many dog salmon, for the white berry is the eye of the dog salmon.” Common snowberry is an important browse for deer, antelope, and Bighorn Sheep; use by elk and moose varies.  The berries are an important food for grouse, grosbeaks, robins and thrushes.  Bears also eat the fruit.  The shrub provides good cover and nesting sites for gamebirds, rabbits, and other small animals.  Pocket gophers burrow underneath it. The pink flowers attract hummingbirds, but are mostly pollinated by bees.  The leaves are eaten by the Sphinx Moth larvae.

Growth: This species usually grows 3-9 feet (1-2m) tall.

Names: Symphori- means “bear together;” –carpos means fruits– referring to the clustered fruits.  Albus meaning white, and the common name, Snowberry also refers to the white fruits.  This species is sometimes known as Waxberry, White Coralberry, or White, Thin-leaved, or Few-flowered Snowberry.

Snowberry or ghost berry. Don’t eat but can be used on rashes.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Nuclear Tests and the Forests

US security officials ‘considered return to nuclear testing’ after 28-year hiatus

In case of nuclear tests resumed by major nations there is a danger that the human race will be exterminated due to accumulation of Carbon 14 in the air.which will make it more combustible, until the atmosphere will become ignited and burn.

The molecules of air will be mutated by solar and atomic radiation. The vitality globular are being eaten by radiation, the neutron attaching the carbon staff of life making the molecule vulnerable to ignition and so causing the air to catch fire.

The electronic particles in the air are rapidly depleted by radioactive fallout making them to spontaneously catching fire.

The government of the United States is aware of this scientific fact and was doing "research " regarding the subject. Tests were done for research for "forests preservaion " in 1960.

Animal life breathes oxigen and give off carbin dioxide. Plant life inhales carbon dioxide and replaces it with the magnetic vitality necessary for to exist, giving off oxygen.

Both plants and animal world cannot exist without the other.

Now without this vital energy in the air which the ancients called "vitality glibules" ( and which science niw calls free electrons) the air we breathe does not give us the proper amount of regenerated magnetism, which come from plant life and especially from trees.
Threes old trees especially produce great amount of regenerated globukes necessary to animal life.

When does not receive the proper quantity of vitality globular it cannot return to plant life the necessary carbon dioxide.

Radioactive fallout is known to cause atmospheric nitrogen to be replaced by Carbon 14 which is accumulating in the air at abnormally high amounts.

With the vitality globular in the molecules of aur being replaced by Carbon 14 this increase the probability for neutrons to attack the Carbon and the result is radioactive fire.

This will happen to the air particles as fallout increases.

This will ignite from the bombardment of the neutrons as happens to the uranium pile in the cyclotron when the neutrons are left to attack it.

And this explains all the fireballs which are plaguing the world.

If the flood if fire comes this fire will eventually release the polar ice caps at both north and south poles with will deluge the world with superabundance of water.

The meeting of the ice will give the world a new supply of purified oxygen and the water will wash the soil clean of all radioactive impurities that have been settled in as a result of fallout.

The release of the polar ice caps will cause the earth to shift on its axis at k
least 90 degrees.

The fires are with us today and are an everyday threat of our survival.

From the book Atomic age angels flying saucers the hollow earth, the king of the world and the anti nuclear philosophy of Valiant Thor by Dr. Raymond Bernard

Here is an extract of an article I  Washington Post

US security officials ‘considered return to nuclear testing’ after 28-year hiatus

Discussion held this month as way to press Russia and China into agreeing arms control deal, officials say

Julian Borger in Washington
Sat 23 May 2020 

US officials have debated whether to carry out the first US nuclear tests in 28 years as a way to pressure Russia and China into make a trilateral arms control deal, according congressional aides and former officials.

They said the discussion took place at a “deputies meeting” of senior national security officials at the White House on 15 May, but that the proposal was shelved for the time being.

“There are still some professionals in the room who told them this is a terrible idea, thank God,” a congressional aide said.

The discussion was first reported on Friday night by the Washington Post, which cited a senior administration official as saying that a demonstration to Moscow and Beijing that the United States could carry out a “rapid test” could be a useful bargaining counter in the achieving the administration’s priority on arms control – a trilateral deal with Russia and China.