Monday, May 25, 2015

Fruit Trees of Mexico Wild Graboo

Wild Graboo (English), Xac pac (Maya), Nance (Spanish),  Malpighia crassifolia, Malphigiaceae Family, wild tropical forest hardwood tree with orange yellow small bloom clusters during May, bearing small cherry like yellow round fruits that have silk shiny light skin, a creamy rich flavor with tart undertones, highly aromatic and bitter sweet, ideal for liquor creams. Maya people enjoys ripe fruits with salt and chili powered as snacks.

Mexican Fruit Trees Guava

Guava fruits have great nutrition value that help the Maya children grow healthy.Guava (English), Guayaba (Spanish), Xālxocotl (Nāhuatl) Pichi' (Maya) Psidium guajava Myrtaceae Family. Native to Mexico. Guava tree grows best in semi-dhaded tropical climates and humid soil.  Guava tree trunk has a distinctive smooth copper color bark and can grow up to 15 meters high in the wild; its leaves have Contact Chichen Service if you wish to book a fun Eco-Cultural Vacation in Yucatan, Mexicoa mild smell when rub, white delicate flowers bloom in March and by May guava fruits are fully grown; when ripe they have a distinctive sweet fragrance and may reach 5 cm. in diameter. Guava fruits have a spherical small seeds cluster in the center and can be eaten raw or cook. Guava leaves, bark, and fruit have medicinal healing properties use by Mayan Healers. Ripe guavas are a delight for birds, iguanas, bats and bees its pollinators.

Mexican Fruit Trees Red Mombin fruit tree

Red Mombin fruit tree (English), Jocote che (Maya), Ciruela (Spanish),  Spondias purpurea, Anacardiaceae Family. This is a lovely tree to watch as fruits ripe, Maya people use the bark for medicinal remedies. Trees go dormant in winter and drop all of their leaves before flowering; fruits follow in 45-60 days. The fruits and flower grow right on the Ciruelo branches. These hog plum trees' bear fruit from May to September. Ciruelas are eaten green, ripe, or cook in a Mayan Pipian.