Monday, May 25, 2015

Mexican Fruit Trees -Guanabana

Guanabana (Spanish), Annona muricata, Annonaceae Family, native to Latin America. Soursop has a sweet and tart custard-like pulp. The fruit are typically heart shaped, and weigh up to ten pounds. They make superb milkshakes, but can be eaten fresh as well. The trees are fast growing, and they usually begin fruiting in just two

Mexican Fruit Trees Wild Papaya

Wild Papaya (English), Bonete (Spanish), Coahuayote (Naualt) K'uun che' (Maya) Jacaratia mexicana, Caricaceae Family. Native to Mexico. Wild growing tree, tall and slim with soft bark trunk and elliptic leaflets,  male and female flowers on separate trees (dioecious). Ripe Bonetes or wild papaya fruits have small seeds and distinctive large pendulous shape (photo) that hang from leafless branches during May and June. Edible wild fruit with high nutrition value, pulp and aroma similar to papaya.

Mexican Fruit Trees Geiger Tree or Ciritote

Geiger Tree (English), Ciritote (Spanish), K'oopte' (Maya) Cordia dodecandra, Boraginaceae Family. Highly priced hard wood, delightful fig style wild fruit with a shelled nut flavor similar to an almond. Native to Mexico, the tree bloom's from March to May and bears fruit during the summer, its small aromatic fruit is cooked to create sweet compose and marmalades.  Ciricote wood is a highly valuable fine hardwood; its leaves is used for fine sanding including feet dry skin.