Monday, May 25, 2015

Trees of Mexico Cuban Laurel or Indian Ficus

Cuban Laurel or Indian Ficus (English), Laurel (Spanish), Ficus retusa Moraceae Family. Asian origins, but adopted as a native Cuban evergreen laurel tree. Cuban Laurel ficus has a huge lush dome canopy, deep green-blue foliage in its magnificent branches and leathery pinnate leafs, its berry-like golden yellow fruits grow in Spring.  Its large branches can reach up to 20 feet long, trunk is very attractive and Cuban Laurels are visited daily by hundreds of birds and other animals that enjoy its berries.shapes organically to adapt, runs large air roots and enjoys holding limestone formations at its base.  Birds, small mammals, snakes, ants, and other insects find food and refuge. This evergreen Laurel is pest resistance and generally grows in sunny areas year-round. Propagates with cuttings, wasps and bee pollinated.  In Asia this is a good bonsai tree, but in Yucatan, Mayan people value its refreshing huge shade.

Trees of Mexico Calabash Tree

Calabash fruits are called Jicaras by the Maya who make beautiful crafts and bowls with it. Maya scholar Jean Charlot used to enjoy drinking fresh water for a jicara bowl.Calabash Tree (English) Jicara (Spanish) Luch Maya, Crescentia cujete,  Bignoniaceae Family. Native to tropical Americas. Calabash or Jicara tree has small bell-shaped leave. Its yellowish flowers, often veined with purple, open at night and are bat pollinated. The calabash fruit grows 12cm.across when ripped; heavy fruits, juicy pulp and seeds. Maya people cut calabash fruits and cured them to be used as bowls and cups. Trees endure high draught periods and enjoys full sun.

Trees of Mexico Elephant Ear Tree

These huge lush trees house many species of Yucatan's wildlife Elephant Ear Tree (English), Piich (Maya)Guanacaste Spanish Enterolobium cyclocarpum Fabaceae Family. Native to Mesoamerica. Strong long branches, large majestic thick trunk, when mature the Piich can reach 30-35 meters high, huge canopy, foliage with double pinnate leaflets. Older Piich trees house many varieties of wild orchids and bromeliads. Piich trees Pich exotic seed pots abound during May. Seeds are eaten cooked by Maya people.flower in April and are filled with exotic deep purple-brown woody seed pods by May.  Elephant Ear Tree's seeds are starchy with a light peanut flavor, very nutritious and filling.  Maya people cooked Piich seeds as snacks (much like pop-corn) and rural Mayan people process seeds to make flour for tortillas when corn crops are marginal.