Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Gliricidia Sepium and Faidherbia Albida Medicinal Uses and Soil fixing Trees

By Liliana Usvat  
Blog 319-365

 Some farmers are adding trees as ‘dispersed shade’ to their Conservation Agriculture. The trees’ light shade reduces the excessive midday heat that decreases crop productivity in the lowland tropics. Trees are also extremely drought resistant because of their deep root systems; the fertilizing leaves are out of reach of free-grazing animals; trees preserve moisture in the soil through lowered soil surface temperatures and reduced wind velocity; and they can provide firewood and fodder. Furthermore, as climate change occurs, farmers can merely cut fewer branches off their trees, so the crops underneath will continue to enjoy optimum ambient temperatures. Two important species from tropical America and dryland Africa, respectively, are Gliricidia sepium and Faidherbia albida.

 Gliricidia sepium

 Other Names
  • Cacao de nance, cacahnanance -- Honduras
  • Kakawate -- Philippines
  • Mata Raton
  • Madre Cacao -- Guatemala
  • Madriado -- Honduras

Gliricidia sepium is a medium-sized tree and can grow to from 10 to 12 meters high. The bark is smooth and its color can range from a whitish gray to deep red-brown. It has composite leaves that can be 30 cm long. Each leaf is composed of leaflets that are about 2 to 7 cm long and 1 to 3 cm wide. The flowers are located on the end of branches that have no leaves. These flowers have a bright pink to lilac color that is tinged with white.
A pale yellow spot is usually at the flower's base. The tree's fruit is a pod which is about 10 to 15 cm in length. It is green when unripe and becomes yellow-brown when it reaches maturity. The pod produces 4 to 10 round brown seeds . The tree grows well in acidic soils with a pH of 4.5-6.2. The tree is found on volcanic soils in its native range in Central America and Mexico. However, it can also grow on sandy, clay and limestone soils.

Medicinal Uses

In the Philippines, gliricidia is washed and pounded to extract the juice from the leaves. It is then applied to the area affected by external parasites once to twice a day for one week. In Guatemala, the bark and leaves of gliricidia are used to treat human skin diseases. 

In another study, gliricidia was found to inhibit the growth of various strains of Neisseria gonorrhoea in in vitro tests. Tinctures made from the leaves were used for these tests.
Some Uses in Humans:
  • Briuse
  • Burn -- Panama
  • Cold, cough -- Curacao
  • Debility
  • Expectora
  • Headache
  • nt -- Curacao
  • Fatigue
  • Fever -- Panama
  • Gangrene -- Guatemala
  • Gonorrhoea -- Guatemala
  • Insecticide
  • Insect repellent -- Curacao, Guatemala, and Honduras
  • Itch, skin, sores -- Curacao, Guatemala, Honduras, and Panama
  • Poison (Humans and animals) -- Panama and Venezuela
  • Rodenticide (rats) -- Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, El Salvador, Venezuela
  • Shade tree (for other crops) -- Sri Lanka
  • Sedative -- Curacao
  • Tumor -- Guatemala
  • Ulcer -- Guatemala


Gliricidia is used by farmers in some Latin American countries to repel insects. The leaves are ground up and combined with water. The animal is then bathed with the resulting paste. According to some of the farmers, if this is repeated every 7-14 days, the number of torsalo (tropical warble fly) infections is decreased.

Faidherbia Albida

The leaves of the Faidherbia albida tree are rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients. Plants that grow beneath the trees benefit from their annual leaf fall, which fertilises the soil and counteracts soil acidity. In Zambia, the Conservation Farming Unit is encouraging farmers to plant 100 of the trees per hectare, at 10 metre intervals, as a long term means of boosting soil fertility. Over 160,000 farmers have already begun to do so.

The origin of Faidherbia albida is unclear. It has been postulated that it originated in the Sahara before desertification, but also that it was originally a riverine tree of eastern and southern Africa that was introduced through pastoralism and agriculture into western Africa, where it is only found on cultivated or previously cultivated land. It has long been preserved and protected on croplands by African farmers. However, this practice has become much less common in recent years.  

Faidherbia albida occurs all across the African continent, encircling the central African forest massif, from the Atlantic coast (Senegal, Gambia) to the Red Sea (Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea and Somalia) and from there to South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia and Angola. Its northern limit is not well defined because it occurs along watercourses and in areas where groundwater is present (e.g. in south-western Morocco, mountain massifs in the Sahara, and along the Nile in Egypt).

 Elsewhere, Faidherbia albida occurs in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Iran, and has been introduced into Ascension Island, the Cape Verde Islands, Cyprus, India, Pakistan and Peru.

Medicinal Uses Faidherbia albida
  • Bark and roots, alone or mixed with other components, are common ingredients of traditional medicinal preparations for external or internal usage. These preparations are prescribed for respiratory infections, 
  • sterility, 
  • digestive problems, 
  • dysentery, 
  • backache, 
  • malaria, 
  •  fever, 
  • heart and circulatory problems, 
  • dental infections and deafness.

Other Uses - Faidherbia albida

 The bark is also used for making beehives, for stuffing saddles and in hut construction. Soap is made from the wood ash, which also has depilatory action. Pods can be used as fish bait. Seeds are eaten during famine but require long and elaborate preparation. Faidherbia albida has religious significance amongst some tribes, e.g. as a graveyard tree.

Saturday, April 25, 2015


By Liliana Usvat  
Blog 319-365

Professor Suzanne Simard shows that all trees in a forest ecosystem are interconnected, with the largest, oldest, "mother trees" serving as hubs. The underground exchange of nutrients increases the survival of younger trees linked into the network of old trees.

Sad to think that it took how many dollars and years for "establishment" to dig up earth and make it "a scientific discovery" to show something old time indigenous people's all over the world already knew - those who see with hearts know.

Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose is one of the most prominent first Indian scientists who proved by experimentation that both animals and plants share much in common. He demonstrated that plants are also sensitive to heat, cold, light, noise and various other external stimuli. Bose contrived a very sophisticated instrument called Crescograph which could record and observe the minute responses because of external stimulants. It was capable of magnifying the motion of plant tissues to about 10,000 times of their actual size, which found many similarities between plants and other living organisms

Bose chose a plant whose mots were cautiously dipped up to its stem in a vessel holding the bromide solution. The salts of hydrobromic acid are considered a poison. He plugged in the instrument with the plant and viewed the lighted spot on a screen showing the movements of the plant, as its pulse beat, and the spot began to and fro movement similar to a pendulum. Within minutes, the spot vibrated in a violent manner and finally came to an abrupt stop. The whole thing was almost like a poisoned rat fighting against death. The plant had died due to the exposure to the poisonous bromide solution.

Like us, plants possess receptors, microtubules and sophisticated intercellular systems that likely facilitate a degree of spatio-temporal consciousness. Instead of generating a pattern of colors, the particles of light bouncing off a plant produce a pattern of energy molecules -- sugar -- in the chlorophyll in its stems and leaves. Light-stimulating chemical reactions in one leaf cause a chain reaction of signals to the entire organism via vascular bundles.  

Neurobiologists have discovered that plants also have rudimentary neural nets and the capacity for primary perceptions. Indeed, the sundew plant (Drosera) will grasp at a fly with incredible accuracy -- much better than you can do a fly-swatter. Some plants even know when ants are coming towards them to steal their nectar and have mechanisms to close up when they approach. Scientists at Cornell University discovered that when a hornworm starts eating sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), the wounded plant will send out a blast of scent that warns surrounding plants -- in the case of the study, wild tobacco (Nicotiana attenuata) −- that trouble is on its way. Those plants, in turn, prepare chemical defenses that send the hungry critters in the opposite direction. Andre Kessler, the lead researcher, called this "priming its defense response." "This could be a crucial mechanism of plant-plant communication," he said.

"The sound of the trees suffering is audible. But we need to develop new organs of perception so that we can hear this sound in the world, recognise what it means and shape new social forms that do not continue this great suffering of all nature." 

"At the heart of today's ecological crisis lies a terrible failure to understand the essence of our relationship with the natural world. One can of course address that failure rationally and empirically; but the arts (particularly the visual arts) offer different insights into that relationship, and touch people in ways that conventional education and advocacy can rarely do." Jonathon Porritt, Director, Forum for the Future, UK. 

We have no idea how consciousness emerges from the physical activity of the brain and we do not know whether consciousness can emerge from non-biological systems, such as computers… At this point the reader will expect to find a careful and precise definition of consciousness. You will be disappointed. Consciousness has not yet become a scientific term that can be defined in this way. Currently we all use the term consciousness in many different and often ambiguous ways.






Thursday, April 23, 2015

Forest Statistics

By Liliana Usvat  
Blog 318-365

New, high-resolution satellite-based maps released today by the University of Maryland and Google on Global Forest Watch, a partnership of over 60 organizations convened by the World Resources Institute, reveal a significant recent surge in tree cover loss largely in Russia and Canada during 2013.

Global tree cover loss in 2013 continued to be high at over 18 million hectares (69,500 square miles)—about twice the size of Portugal—slightly lower than 2012, but a troubling 5.2 percent increase over the 2000-2012 average. In 2011-2013, Russia and Canada topped the list , jointly accounting for 34 percent of total loss. 

Tree cover loss is a measure of the total loss of all trees within a specific area regardless of the cause. It includes human-driven deforestation, forest fires both natural and man made, clearing trees for agriculture, logging, plantation harvesting, and tree mortality due to disease and other natural causes.


According to the government, deforestation rose 28 percent in 2013 compared to the year before. Who’s behind the turnaround? Most of the usual culprits: farmers, ranchers, loggers and the officials who turn a blind eye to illegal logging. And now there may be a new threat: the looming end of a global suspension on buying and selling soybeans planted on newly cleared forestland.


93% of Canada's forest land is crown owned, facilities for harvesting and processing wood are held mainly in private ownership. Since the earliest days of land settlement, the transfer of harvesting rights and forest management responsibilities from the public to the private sectors-while ensuring that public resource management and development objectives are achieved-has been one of the foremost policy questions facing governments in Canada. 
Much of Canada’s logging activity occurs on Crown (often referred to as “public”) land and is regulated by various provincial commercial forest tenure systems that allocate cutting rights to and confer obligations on recipients of the tenures. It is these tenure systems on Crown forest land that are the focus of this data product.
The various agreements that have been devised to accomplish this task have become collectively known as forest tenures (Haley and Luckert 1990). Forest tenures, along with forest legislation and regulations, help Canada's jurisdictions ensure that crown forests are managed responsibly and that forest companies remain accountable to Canadians.

Sixty-three percent of the crown forest land in Canada that is under some form of tenure is under volume-based agreements (Table 5.2a). The rest is under long-term area agreements. Ontario, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland and Labrador use area-based tenure agreements, while Manitoba, Quebec, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories use volume-based agreements. British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Nova Scotia use both area- and volume-based tenure agreements.

China now accounts for more than half of North America’s lumber exports, an amount of wood equivalent to 300,000 housing starts in the U.S. China also now consumes 30% of the world’s pulp

New Trend Power Plants Fueled by Wood Porducts

There is a new trend to use lumber products in power plants as combustible.  
The global bioenergy boom is driven by a surge of interest in biological materials – or biomass – to produce heat, electricity and fuels. In a world of declining fossil fuel deposits and rising fuel prices, industries and governments are hastily switching back to an ancient source of energy: trees.

 In Canada, forest bioenergy once referred to a sensible, small-scale and local solution to produce heat and power by using mill and pulp residues at the plant. This is no longer the case.

Now, the sector is rapidly developing into large-scale, industrial use of natural forests for energy. This is due to new government biomass extraction policies and subsidies. Without public hearings, exhaustive science or adequate environmental standards in place, provincial governments have allocated large volumes of biomass from publicly owned forests to be burnt, thereby radically
changing the way forests are used in Canada. 

This is turning to ash sustainable job opportunities, threatening the greening of the forest sector and the value- added product trend that has been emerging in recent years.

 New power plants are springing up, while others are being converted from coal to pellets. For example, the Tilbury plant (UK-RWEnpower) will be converted to burn wood pellets and according to an independent estimate, will burn nearly 7 million tonnes of per year 19. The company RWE have suggested that less than2 million tones per year would be burnt , but under any circumstances, they will become one of the world’s largest pellet power plant, importing wood pellet
The top 20 Canadian companies increased their market share of total Canadian lumber shipments, rising from 79.8% in 2012 to 80.5% in 2013. Canfor retained its leading position as the top Canadian lumber producer with 4.2 billion bf of production - a 9% gain over 2012. West Fraser held onto the number two spot with 3.6 billion bf of output (+3%). Tolko and Resolute Forest Products remained in the number three and four spots, while Interfor leaped into the number five spot from production gains at its B.C. Interior SPF mills. Together, these five firms produced a total of 12.1 billion bf (51% of Canadian lumber shipments - similar to in 2012). B.C. Interior sawmills continued to struggle with processing dead logs from mountain pine beetle-killed timber (West Fraser and Canfor both announced mill closures for the first half of 2014).
The output of the top 20 U.S. companies rose strongly: from 16.6 billion bf in 2012 to 17.9 billion bf (+8.2%) in 2013. In doing so, these firms increased their market share of U.S. production from 58% to 60%. The five largest producing U.S. companies, Weyerhaeuser, Sierra Pacific, Georgia-Pacific, West Fraser (U.S. operations), and Hampton Affiliates, produced almost 10.0 billion bf or 33% of total U.S. production. Of note, all regions in the U.S. recorded production increases in 2013, with the U.S. West leading the surge in output with a gain of 6.1%; the U.S. South increased 5.1%.
- See more at: http://www.woodbusiness.ca/sawmilling/top-20-lumber-producers#sthash.AABY9x0z.dpuf
The top 20 Canadian companies increased their market share of total Canadian lumber shipments, rising from 79.8% in 2012 to 80.5% in 2013. Canfor retained its leading position as the top Canadian lumber producer with 4.2 billion bf of production - a 9% gain over 2012. West Fraser held onto the number two spot with 3.6 billion bf of output (+3%). Tolko and Resolute Forest Products remained in the number three and four spots, while Interfor leaped into the number five spot from production gains at its B.C. Interior SPF mills. Together, these five firms produced a total of 12.1 billion bf (51% of Canadian lumber shipments - similar to in 2012). B.C. Interior sawmills continued to struggle with processing dead logs from mountain pine beetle-killed timber (West Fraser and Canfor both announced mill closures for the first half of 2014).
The output of the top 20 U.S. companies rose strongly: from 16.6 billion bf in 2012 to 17.9 billion bf (+8.2%) in 2013. In doing so, these firms increased their market share of U.S. production from 58% to 60%. The five largest producing U.S. companies, Weyerhaeuser, Sierra Pacific, Georgia-Pacific, West Fraser (U.S. operations), and Hampton Affiliates, produced almost 10.0 billion bf or 33% of total U.S. production. Of note, all regions in the U.S. recorded production increases in 2013, with the U.S. West leading the surge in output with a gain of 6.1%; the U.S. South increased 5.1%.
- See more at: http://www.woodbusiness.ca/sawmilling/top-20-lumber-producers#sthash.AABY9x0z.dpuf
The top 20 Canadian companies increased their market share of total Canadian lumber shipments, rising from 79.8% in 2012 to 80.5% in 2013. Canfor retained its leading position as the top Canadian lumber producer with 4.2 billion bf of production - a 9% gain over 2012. West Fraser held onto the number two spot with 3.6 billion bf of output (+3%). Tolko and Resolute Forest Products remained in the number three and four spots, while Interfor leaped into the number five spot from production gains at its B.C. Interior SPF mills. Together, these five firms produced a total of 12.1 billion bf (51% of Canadian lumber shipments - similar to in 2012). B.C. Interior sawmills continued to struggle with processing dead logs from mountain pine beetle-killed timber (West Fraser and Canfor both announced mill closures for the first half of 2014).
The output of the top 20 U.S. companies rose strongly: from 16.6 billion bf in 2012 to 17.9 billion bf (+8.2%) in 2013. In doing so, these firms increased their market share of U.S. production from 58% to 60%. The five largest producing U.S. companies, Weyerhaeuser, Sierra Pacific, Georgia-Pacific, West Fraser (U.S. operations), and Hampton Affiliates, produced almost 10.0 billion bf or 33% of total U.S. production. Of note, all regions in the U.S. recorded production increases in 2013, with the U.S. West leading the surge in output with a gain of 6.1%; the U.S. South increased 5.1%.
- See more at: http://www.woodbusiness.ca/sawmilling/top-20-lumber-producers#sthash.AABY9x0z.dpuf


New data show Russia and Canada (two of the biggest forest countries in the world) accounted for 34 per cent of global tree cover loss from 2011-2013, losing a combined average of nearly 6.8 million hectares (26,000 square miles) each year, an area equivalent to the size of Ireland.  - See more at: http://www.woodbusiness.ca/industry-news/forest-fires-caused-significant-tree-cover-loss-in-canada-and-russia-in-2013#sthash.eiddy4pM.dpuf
New data show Russia and Canada (two of the biggest forest countries in the world) accounted for 34 per cent of global tree cover loss from 2011-2013, losing a combined average of nearly 6.8 million hectares (26,000 square miles) each year, an area equivalent to the size of Ireland.  - See more at: http://www.woodbusiness.ca/industry-news/forest-fires-caused-significant-tree-cover-loss-in-canada-and-russia-in-2013#sthash.eiddy4pM.dpuf
New data show Russia and Canada (two of the biggest forest countries in the world) accounted for 34 per cent of global tree cover loss from 2011-2013, losing a combined average of nearly 6.8 million hectares (26,000 square miles) each year, an area equivalent to the size of Ireland.  - See more at: http://www.woodbusiness.ca/industry-news/forest-fires-caused-significant-tree-cover-loss-in-canada-and-russia-in-2013#sthash.eiddy4pM.dpuf
New data show Russia and Canada (two of the biggest forest countries in the world) accounted for 34 per cent of global tree cover loss from 2011-2013, losing a combined average of nearly 6.8 million hectares (26,000 square miles) each year, an area equivalent to the size of Ireland.  - See more at: http://www.woodbusiness.ca/industry-news/forest-fires-caused-significant-tree-cover-loss-in-canada-and-russia-in-2013#sthash.eiddy4pM.dpuf
Globally, the world lost more than 18 million hectares (69,500 square miles) of tree cover in 2013 including both permanent deforestation and temporary losses due to harvesting, fires and other disturbances.
The data find that Russia, Canada, Brazil (2.2 million hectares), the U.S. (1.7 million hectares) and Indonesia (1.6 million hectares) make up the top five countries for average annual tree cover loss, which measures removal or death of trees within a given area, from 2011 to 2013. In 2013, Indonesia experienced its lowest tree cover loss in a decade.
- See more at: http://www.woodbusiness.ca/industry-news/forest-fires-caused-significant-tree-cover-loss-in-canada-and-russia-in-2013#sthash.eiddy4pM.dpuf
Globally, the world lost more than 18 million hectares (69,500 square miles) of tree cover in 2013 including both permanent deforestation and temporary losses due to harvesting, fires and other disturbances.
The data find that Russia, Canada, Brazil (2.2 million hectares), the U.S. (1.7 million hectares) and Indonesia (1.6 million hectares) make up the top five countries for average annual tree cover loss, which measures removal or death of trees within a given area, from 2011 to 2013. In 2013, Indonesia experienced its lowest tree cover loss in a decade.
- See more at: http://www.woodbusiness.ca/industry-news/forest-fires-caused-significant-tree-cover-loss-in-canada-and-russia-in-2013#sthash.eiddy4pM.dpuf
Globally, the world lost more than 18 million hectares (69,500 square miles) of tree cover in 2013 including both permanent deforestation and temporary losses due to harvesting, fires and other disturbances.
The data find that Russia, Canada, Brazil (2.2 million hectares), the U.S. (1.7 million hectares) and Indonesia (1.6 million hectares) make up the top five countries for average annual tree cover loss, which measures removal or death of trees within a given area, from 2011 to 2013. In 2013, Indonesia experienced its lowest tree cover loss in a decade.
- See more at: http://www.woodbusiness.ca/industry-news/forest-fires-caused-significant-tree-cover-loss-in-canada-and-russia-in-2013#sthash.eiddy4pM.dpuf