Friday, March 20, 2015

Ashoka Tree Medicinal Use for Diabetes, Pile, Skin Alergies

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 310-365

Ashoka is one of the most legendary and sacred trees of India, and one of the most fascinating flowers in the Indian range of flower essences. It belongs to Caesalpaeniaceae family. 

Known to Indians since vedic period, Ashoka tree is one of the most beautiful plants of the Indian forests. In Atharva veda  parishishta it is mentioned that color of flowers of Ashoka is red. Known botanically as Saraca indica or asoca ,uniqueness of  Ashoka tree lies in being known as woman’s friendly tree.
Ashoka tree is also known by the name of Hempushpa, vanjula,Tamra pallava (leaves are copper like when they start emerging) ,Kankeli, Gandhpushpa (Flowers having fragrant smell), kankeli and pindpuspa.
A small ever green tree having bark with warty surface, Ashoka tree has its flowering season in March April. Ashoka tree has fragrant orange or orange yellow colored flowers arranged in dense corymbs. Though available in central and eastern Himalaya, its concentration is reported in South India.  It is believed that Ravana had a separate garden of Ashoka tree.
It is a very handsome, small, erect evergreen tree, with deep green foliage and very fragrant, bright orange-yellow flowers, which later turn red. The flowering season is around April and May. It is found in central and eastern Himalayas as well as on the west coast of Bombay.

Ashoka is a Sanskrit word meaning without grief or that which gives no grief. Of course, the tree has many other names in local languages as well. One such name means the tree of love blossoms. The Hindus regard it as sacred, being dedicated to Kama Deva, God of Love. T
he tree is a symbol of love. Its beautiful, delicately perfumed flowers are used in temple decoration. There are also festivals associated with this flower. Lord Buddha was born under the Ashoka tree, so it is planted in Buddhist monasteries.

Ashoka allowed to grow naturally into a normal large tree with plenty of shade.

Medicinal Uses

  • Herbally, the bark of this tree is a household remedy for uterine disorders. The essence also helps women to be fertile. It is said that 'weeping woman, weeping womb,' in that the woman's emotional state affects her reproductive organs. Therefore, the essence, like the herb, helps in the uterine problems like excessive bleeding, irregular menstrual periods and infertility.
  • Dysentery: An extract of the Ashoka flower can be used to effectively treat hemorrhagic dysentery. The extract is made by grinding the flowers along with some water. Doses of 15–60 drops can be taken.
  • Piles: For internal piles, the bark of the Ashoka tree can be used. To prepare the decoction, take around 90 grams of the bark and boil it in 360 ml of water and 30 ml of milk until the entire quantity reduces to around 90 grams. Two to three doses of this can be taken each day.
  • Pain: The specific analgesic properties present in Ashoka can used to calm the nerves when they have been aggravated by the Vata.
  • Complexion: The Ashoka herb is also said to improve the complexion of skin. This herb can be used to obtain relief from burning sensations on the skin. It also helps to get rid of the toxins from the body. The Ashoka herb is also effective in purifying the blood naturally and in preventing skin allergies.
  • The other Ashoka tree uses include treating the sting from a scorpion. The bark of the tree is used for scorpion sting treatment. 
  • Dried Ashoka flowers can be helpful in treating diabetes
  • Seed powder of Ashoka with water helps to check kidney stone.
  • Decoction of bark of Ashoka tree is useful in amenorrhoea, leucorrhoea and other gynaecological disorders. Use of Ashoka bark tones the musckes of uterus.
  • When there is pain due to scanty menstruation, use of Ashoka’s bark gives good result.
  • Overdose of Ashoka bark acts as abortifacient. I.e it aborts the foetus. In market it is adulterated with barks of some other plants like polyialathia longifoila which do not have such side effects. That is why its ill effects of overdose are not reported
  • Milk boiled with decoction of bark of  Ashoka tree is useful in excessive bleeding in female

Useful Parts of the Plant
  • Flowers- Dried
  • Stem- Dried
  • Bark- Fresh and dried

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Tree Forests and Rehabilitation of Large-Scale Damaged Ecosystems

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 309-365

We have to restore the large area of the Earth that have been degraded by humanity.

Everything start with a person then another one then another one. Today I am talking about John D. Liu

"It's possible to rehabilitate large-scale damaged ecosystems." Environmental film maker John D. Liu documents large-scale ecosystem restoration projects in China, Africa, South America and the Middle East, highlighting the enormous benefits for people and planet of undertaking these efforts globally. 

The source of wealth is the restoration of the ecosystems.
We created a global economic institution on flaw of logic
Wealth is being happy, living in nature, listening to the birds, breathing clean air. 

Belief Systems

We need to reevaluate our belief system.
Money is a belief system. It is nothing wrong with money.
If money is based on functional ecosystems then the future will be beautiful, if the money is based on production of goods and services we will turn everything into a desert.


The desert is advancing and the water is more and more scarced. Princess of Jordan Basma Bint Ali wants to stop the desertification.

The influence that a person can have on the governments.

A botanical garden in Jordan restore area which were degraded. This was the promised land. The land were exhausted because  they allowed ships and goats to walk over these areas. They have to stop. THey excluded grazing for 3 years. Then plants that were thought to be extinct since eighteen hundred came alive by themselves.

They allowed the land to breathe  and restore itself. Just by making a fence around the space grasses came out. The direct son light will not destroy the land.


Centuries of heavy agriculture have badly damaged the ecosystem. Without the vegetation the water flow on flood this go to the drought and famine.

In just 6 years professor Legasan lagash have transformed severely eroded terrains by planting indigenous shrubs trees and plants. Miraculously a clear flowing  stream has emerged because of vegetation cover. The water is maintaining the landscape as soon as the rain falls the rain is infiltrating gradually into the ground and generate the water. thousand miles away the wells have water again.


Forests are burned to make room for agriculture. The people that are doing this are doing it for short term economic gain.

The solution to fix the ecosystems are simple.
We need to act as species on a planetary systems. 
We have to change the major eroded systems into functional ecosystems.


A project in China having Ta Fuyuan in change reversed desertification People were upset that they wanted to plant trees everywhere. What convinced local people was the promise that they have ten years tenure on their land. they will benefit from the effort invested in the project.

The economy and the people's lives improved.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Iboga The most Powerful Addiction Interrupter Known

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 308-365

Other Names

Tabernanthe iboga,  leaf of God , thie-pelakano , bitter grass, holy wood, or the wood that cares for us”. 


Iboga is a plant teacher known as the Godfather or King. Some consider Iboga the most powerful detox and spiritual exploration plant in the world. For thousands of years, the Babongo tribes in West Central Africa, have used Iboga for their initiations, spiritual practices and healing ceremonies. They transmitted their knowledge and rituals to the other tribes in Gabon. Today the religion is known as Bwiti.

In the rest of the world the iboga root is famous for it’s active alkaloid ibogaine, which to date, is the most powerful addiction interrupter known. It is typical that after one flood dose, the patient “awakens” 24 hours later with complete remission from their addiction.

Normally growing to a height of 2 m, T. iboga may eventually grow into a small tree up to 10 m tall, given the right conditions. 

It produces clusters of small pink, yellow,or white flowers, 
followed by elongated orange fruit that resemble habanero peppers. 
The plant contains a powerful alkaloid called ibogaine, which is especially concentrated in the roots and is used to make a controversial medicine that some believe can cure heroin addiction.

Members of the Bwiti religion in West Africa use iboga as a kind of ceremonial sacrament.

Iboga is a perennial rainforest shrub and psychedelic, native to western Central Africa. Iboga stimulates the central nervous system when taken in small doses and induces visions in larger doses.

 In parts of Africa where the plant grows the bark of the root is chewed for various pharmacological or ritualistic purposes. 


Its use goes back for thousands of years, originating with the Pygmies and used primarily now in the Bwiti religion of Gabon Africa although interest in the west is quickly growing.Iboga is an entheogen—“a chemical substance, typically of plant origin, that is ingested to produce a non-ordinary state of consciousness for religious or spiritual purposes”. 

The ceremony is considered to be one of a death followed by a rebirth. As entheogens, Iboga is related to South American Ayahuasca and North American Peyote, but is more potent and unlike Ayahuasca and Peyote which can be used many times, Iboga tends to be used only once in a person’s lifetime.

Medicinal Uses
Iboga is Used for:
  • Pineal Gland Decalcification 
  • Mind Reset – Emotional/Stress/Depression/Negative Thoughts/ Fear deprogramming
  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)  
  • Body detox for general health and wellbeing
  •  Resets receptors, ends addiction to anti-depressants, go to the root of depression and gives you back your independence from a lifetime of prescription drug use. 

Myths and Religion

Due to the constant interpretation of myths from the Old and New Testament, the Bwiti religion can be considered as a “parallel” to Christianity, and it has its own interpretation of biblical events. For example, according to the Bwitists, the original sin was the incestuous sexual bond between Adam and Eve, Obola and Biome, the first human twins. 

Abel’s remains have become the ancestors’ (byeri) first relic of the cult. The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil are the plant of iboga, and the Universal Deluge is the Ozambogha – an historic even which took place at the beginning of this century, during the difficult migration of the Fang population from Cameroon to Gabon. The Christianity Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is in Bwiti represented as the divine Trinity Nzamé, Gningone and Noné. Noné is the evil one – the Devil.
Nzamé and Gningone created the first human beings, Adam and Eve. Eve conceived her first child with Noné, who entered her vagina in the form of a serpent: “… She delivered three children: a White one, a Black one and a Red one. The White resembled the colour of Adam. 

The Black had the colour of Noné, the colour of the Devil. It was only after the first twelve children, who became the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve apostles. Noné’s children were the Monkeys .

 After having killed his brother, Cain departed for the forest and there he mated with a chimpanzee and from this union the Pygmies originated” (passage taken from a sermon quoted by Swiderski, 1990, vol. II: 65-66). 


“Trees are sanctuaries. Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth. They do not preach learning and precepts, they preach, undeterred by particulars, the ancient law of life.”  - Hermann Hesse, Bäume. Betrachtungen und Gedichte
