Thursday, March 12, 2015

Chewing Gum Tree

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 305-365

Other Names

Sapodilla (Manilkara zapota)


The sapodilla tree is a slow growing evergreen that can reach heights of 100 feet. Strong and wind-resistant, it maintains an extensive root system. Within the tree’s bark is the white, gummy sap the tree is famous for, called chicle. The glossy green leaves are clustered in spirals at the tip of forked twigs. Sapodilla flowers are small, bell shaped and cream colored. The fruit is shaped like an egg with rough, brown skin when ripe, which protects the grainy yellow fruit inside.

The unique chewing gum called, Chicza, is made from totally organic rainforest ingredients that will biodegrade in around six weeks.  

In less ideal conditions when disposed of on tarmac or concrete roads and pavements, it will biodegrade in around three months. 

Chicle  is a natural gum traditionally used in making chewing gum and other products. It is collected from several species of Mesoamerican trees in the Manilkara genus, including M. zapotaM. chicleM. staminodella, and M. bidentata.
The tapping of the gum is similar to the tapping of latex from the rubber tree: zig-zag gashes are made in the tree trunk and the dripping gum is collected in small bags. It is then boiled until it reaches the correct thickness. Locals who collect chicle are called chicleros.
The scars are permanent to the tree. Chicleros, or the extractors, generally mark trees with their own unique symbol so that they can keep track of when a tree was last tapped. Preferably, the trees were left untouched for five years between cuttings to ensure that they would continue to produce latex.

Chicle is collected from the tree by cutting into the bark, much like rubber, which causes the tree to excrete it and it runs down the trunk. And yes, it can also be extracted from the leaves. When plucked from a branch, the leaves will produce a small amount of latex as a way of protecting the tree from damage by insects or herbivores.

The greatest concentration of indigenous sapodillas are found in Quintana Roo, and are probably the remnants of active cultivation by the ancient Maya or were simply spared by ancient farmers when they cleared the forests for their fields. 

When the bark of the sapodilla is cut with a machete (a large knife that chicle extractors use) or attacked by insects or animals, the tree produces a milky fluid that forms a protective layer over the damaged area .

It is this substance, known as chicle latex, that has been used for hundreds of years in the Americas as chewing gum. Natural latexes, such as chicle and rubber, are usually a white, thick liquid, although at times they can be clear, 

yellow, red, or orange and runny. Latex generally has no smell, which makes it 

quite different from plant resins such as pine tar and copal incense that contain 

oils, and have a strong scent.

The contemporary Maya refer to the sapodilla tree astzicte’ ya’, “wounded noble tree.” 

This is a descriptive name that reflects the way in which the latex is obtained. Chicleros (chicle extractors) harvest the chicle by cutting a machete into the flesh along the length of the tree in a zigzag pattern, and allowing the latex to run down the tree. 

This is a process that the Maya have likely been using for hundreds, if not thousands of years, as the ancient Maya recognized that chewing this rubbery resin quenched thirst and staved off hunger.

Ancient Mesoamericans saw copal and rubber as the “blood of the tree” and used it as a primary ingredient for creating offerings to their gods, as well as for everyday uses. 

It is quite likely that they similarly viewed chicle latex as a natural product that could serve ritual and practical purposes. While it was certainly not traded as widely nor was it as prevalent in ritual settings as copal and rubber, we know that the Maya have used chicle as a kind of incense, as well as wrapped it on the outside of ritual copal offerings.

How did the Aztecs view chicle?
The Aztecs had very strict social norms, which thankfully are documented in an amazing resource known as the Florentine Codex. This is a series of twelve books that was written under the supervision of the Spanish friar known as Bernadino de Sahagunstarting in 1540. In it, he noted what “good” and “bad” people did in society. “Bad” people included men and married women that chewed gum in public – only children and old women were allowed to get away with this shameful behavior. 
Men and women who failed to follow these social norms were socially ostracized as “whores” or “sodomites” in an attempt to discourage this behavior. 
 Some researchers believe that Maya elites controlled the access to the trees by growing them in their city centers. 
Four hundred years later, proper young ladies, for example, should never chew gum in public because “watching someone chew gum is, as older generations say, like watching a cow chew its cud.” Yet, it was still sold in the public marketplace because the Aztecs knew it served a practical purpose of cleaning teeth and freshening breath—they just didn’t want people to actually use it in front of anyone.


The sapodilla tree produces a sweet egg-shaped fruit known as “sapote” that was used as an ancient Maya and Aztec food source.


The sapodilla tree is native to southern Mexico, Belize and northeastern Guatemala.  It also grows in the West Indies and the Old World tropics, where it was introduced for cultivation centuries ago.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Cecropia Tree Medicinal Use for Obesity, Diabetes Asthma, Kidney Disorder

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 304-365

One of the most interesting symbioses in the rainforest exists between the Cecropia tree and the Cecropia ant (Azteca sp.) The Cecropia trees recruit ants to live in them and protect the tree.  

The ants drive off herbivorous insects, attack herbivorous vertebrates, and remove epiphytes and competing plants.  Their wastes also provide a lot of nitrogen to the plant.   The plant provides them with housing (inside hollow stems) and gylcogen-rich  bodies.  At least, that's the simple explanation of the relationship.

The Cecropia leaf is quite popular among the Amazonian Indian tribes who use it for its anti-inflammatory qualities in the treatment of lung, kidney and rheumatic inflammations. For instance, these tribes prepare a tea made of leaves to treat respiratory problems and diabetes. 

It is further used to cure liver disorders and to stimulate menstruation. People from Trinidad take these leaves as a remedy for colds, fever, flu, snake and scorpion bites. The Palikur indigenous people resort to Cecropia leaves when they need to take care of bruises, wounds, bone fractures and mostly to clean the genitalia and relieve the pain felt after childbirth.

Cecropia is a Neotropical genus consisting of sixty-one recognized species with a highly distinctive lineage of dioecious trees.

The genus is easily identified by its large, circular, palmately lobed leaves, about 30–40 cm in diameter and deeply divided into 7-11 lobes. The trees consist of very few branches, usually with candelabrum-like branching system. In Costa Rica, three-toed sloths are often spotted easily in Cecropia trees because of Cecropias’ open, leafless branches compared to other trees. 

Cecropia trees have a hollow trunk and branches, which are divided into a series of chambers by partitions. The tree produces special structures in velvety-brown glandular patches under the leaf stems, providing nourishment for Azteca ants, which defend the leaves.

Common nameTrumpet tree, embauba, trompettier, snake wood, yagruma, bois cannon, Yagrumo hembra, ambay, sandpaper tree.

FamilyMoraceae (Mulberry family).

Medicinal Uses

The trumpet tree or embauba is widely used in traditional medicine throughout Central and South America.Virtually every part is used – bark, roots, sap, leaves and fruit – to treat a diversity of ailments. 

Each country has different uses for extracts of this plant, such as treatment for bronchitis and snakebites in Trinidad and a cure for diabetes and hypertension in Guatemala.

Recent scientific research on the trumpet tree has shown 

  • potential for treating obesity, as well as 
  • bacterial infections and 
  • cancer. 
  • The tree is regularly used throughout the world by herbalists for treating respiratory disorders and 
  • diabetes.

Suriname's traditional medicine.

  • The leaves of Embauba are used against: albumin in the urine and 
  • have a good effect on the urinary passages, 
  • bladder and 
  • kidney disorders.

Tea made from the leaves is used as

  •  a cure for asthma
  • cough and 
  • other upper- respiratory complaints such as bronchitis
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), 
  • emphysema, 
  • pulmonary sarcoidosis.
Trumpet tree is also used to treat 
  • high blood pressure, for 
  • childbirth and 
  • menstruation and 
  • to strengthen the heart.
The other parts of the plant are also useful: 
  • the bark decreases mucus, 
  • the roots ease bile problems and 
  • the fruit greatly soothes the skin thanks to its emollient qualities.
 In many parts of Latin America, Cecropia tea is considered to be 
  • a miraculous cure for asthma and apparently it is brewed from its leaves.
  • Cecropia has a beneficial effect in patients who suffer from type 2 diabetes. 
Tincture: 1 - 3 ml daily
Infusion (herbal tea): 1 - 2 cups daily

Plant Chemicals

Trumpet tree has among its plant chemicals: glycosides; lipids; alkaloids; flavonoids; isoorientin; chlorogenic acid; tannins; resins; ambain; cecropin; cardenolid; leucocyanidin; methyl-salicylate; proanthocyanidins; ursolic and stearic acids. The latex contains an alkaloid, cowleyin.


Cecropia trees are common in the rainforest - and in the tropical dry forest as well.  The trees are often seen along the roadsides as well. They are related to the mulberry tree.  

They often invade disturbed areas (hence their presence on roadsides) and are considered a pioneer species.  They don't do well in the shade; in the rainforest they depend on the appearance of openings due to treefalls, landslides, fires, etc.  

They are very quick-growing and shed the lower limbs (this shedding epiphytes as well).  In addition to the ants, the Cecropia trees have a number of chemical defenses including latex ducts (which gum up the mouthparts of feeding insects) and tannins.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Kapok Tree Sacred tree of Maya Medicinal Uses as Diuretic and for Type 2 Diabetes

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 303-365

Kapok is the most used common name for the tree and may also refer to the cotton-like fluff obtained from its seed pods. The tree is cultivated for the seed fibre, particularly in south-east Asia, and is also known as the Java cotton, Java kapok, silk-cotton, Samauma, or ceiba.


The kapok tree is deciduous, shedding all of its leaves during the dry season. As its seeds are easily blown into open areas, kapok trees are some of the first to colonize open areas in the forest. The white and pink flowers of the kapok tree emit a foul odor that attracts bats. 

As the flying mammals move from flower to flower feasting on the nectar, they transfer pollen on their fur, thus facilitating pollination. The kapok tree does a great job at spreading its seeds, producing anywhere between 500 and 4,000 fruits at one time, with each fruit containing 200 seeds. When these fruit burst open, silky fibers spread the many seeds all over the forest.

Due to its content of bitter substance, kapok is not attacked by pests.

Other Names

Ceiba pentandra is a tropical tree of the order Malvales and the family Malvaceae (previously separated in the family Bombacaceae), native to Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, northern South America, and (as the variety C. pentandra var. guineensis) to tropical west Africa. 

Medicinal Uses

Ceiba pentandra bark decoction has been used as

  •  a diuretic
  • aphrodisiac, and 
  • to treat headache, as well as
  •  type II diabetes
  • It is used as an additive in some versions of the hallucinogenic drink Ayahuasca.
The seeds, leaves, bark and resin have been used to treat 
  • dysentery, 
  • fever, asthma, and 
  • kidney disease.

  • In Samoa the bark is used for asthma, while 
  • in the Philippines where trees were planted, the bark is regarded as useful for fever
  • as a diuretic, for 
  • diarrhoea and 
  • as a purgative. 
  • It is also applied to swollen fingers and wounds, while 
  • an infusion is used as mouthwash.
  • decoction of the flowers is given for constipation and 
  • an infusion of the leaves is used for coughs
  • hoarseness, 
  • catarrh and 
  • uterine discharge. 
  • The tender young leaves are used for gonorrhoea, as are the tender tap roots, which are also used in cases of dysentery. 
  • The unripe fruit is demulcent, emollient and astringent so useful to soothe the mucous membrane in cases of bronchitis and so on. 
  • A decoction of the roots is given for diarrhoea and chronic dysentery while 
  • the gum from the bark is astringent and styptic so good for wound healing. 
  • It is sometimes given in milk to children who have diarrhoea 
 Clinical studies have shown that the stem bark has liver protective properties and the tree has antioxidant properties, (leaves and stem bark) while root extracts have been found to have anti-diabetic properties.
Plant pacifies 
  • vitiated pitta,
  •  wounds, 
  • ulcers, 
  • skin diseases, 
  • hemorrhoids, 
  • urinary calculus, 
  • cystitis, 
  • inflammations, 
  • cough, 
  • bronchitis and 
  • dark discolorations on face.

Useful part : Resin, Leaves, Bark, Thorns.


According to the folklore of Trinidad and Tobago, the Castle of the Devil is a huge kapok growing deep in the forest in which Bazil the demon of death was imprisoned by a carpenter. 

The carpenter tricked the devil into entering the tree in which he carved seven rooms, one above the other, into the trunk. Folklore claims that Bazil still resides in that tree
Mayan Culture

In Mayan myths the kapok tree was sacred. They believed that the souls of the dead would climb up into the branches which reached into heaven.