Friday, February 20, 2015

Vilca tree - Sacred Tree of Ancient Inca

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 298-365

Vilca tree is an entheogenic plant. Entheogenic plants have been used as for purposes of holistic healing, higher consciousness and sorcery for thousands of years. 

The vilca tree (probably Anadenanthera colubrina) grows in the cloud-forest zones on the eastern slopes of the Peruvian Andes. 

The Incas used a snuff made from the seeds which was generally blown up the nostrils of the participant by a helper. Evidently the Inca priests used vilca to bring on visions and make contact with the gods and spirit world.

Interesting Facts

Vilca is an ancient visionary snuff prepared from the seeds from the Vilca tree (Anadenanthera colubrina) of South America.  The psychoactive components are the tryptamine alkaloids bufotenine, dimethyltryptamine, and 5-meo-dimethyltryptamine 

There is a village named after this tree.

Vilcabamba is a village in the southern region of Ecuador, in the Loja province, about 45 km (28 mi) from the city of Loja. 

The etymology of the name “Vilcabamba” apparently derives from the Quichua “huilco pamba.” Huilco denotes the sacred trees, Anadenanthera colubrina, that inhabit the region; pamba (cognate with pampa) is a word meaning “a plain”. 

The area has been referred to as the "Playground of the Inca" which refers to its historic use as a retreat for Incan royalty. The valley is overlooked by a mountain called Mandango, the Sleeping Inca, whose presence is said to protect the area from earthquakes and other natural disasters.

Other Names

Anadenanthera colubrina 
(also known as Vilca, Huilco, Huilca, Wilco, Willka, Cebil, or Angico) is a South American tree closely related to Yopo, or Anadenanthera peregrina. It grows from 5 m to 20 m tall and the trunk is very thorny.

The Quichuan word ‘huilco’ also refers to a sacred tree found in the Sacred valley. The Anadenanthera colubrine tree (known also as Willka, Vilca or Huilca), is considered to be a treasure in Ecuador and is deemed to be holy among the Quichuan 


Vilca (which means ‘sacred’ in Quechua)  was regarded as the supreme visionary bridge between life and death in ancient times.  It was used by many cultures in South America dating back to before 2,500 BC.  

It was partaken within huachuma mesada ceremonies in the Chavin temple as part of the supreme initiation there, and later by the Moche, Wari, Nazca, and Inca in largely 'inner sanctum' ceremonies administered only to the shaman priest elite. 

To understand the nature of Vilca one must understand some of the basic tenants of South American shamanism which is fundamentally animistic:
    1. Belief in spirit guides, guardians, healers and teachers.
    2. A realization that special sacred places are endowed with supernatural power.
   3. The concept of metaphysical combat with negative energy and/or entities.
   4. The integral association of entheogenic plants with spiritual power, healing, and enlightenment.
    5. Belief in spiritual or supernatural forces or energy as principal causes of illness.

The Spanish chronicler Polo de Ondegardo, writing in 1571, records the use of vilca by what he called sorcerers, hechiceros; in 1582, the Relaciones Geográficas de la Provincia De Xauxa describes vilca as a bean used in conjunction with tobacco snuff.

 The Jesuit Franz Xavier Veigl, published in 1768, writes of “the so-called ayahuasca, which is a bitter reed, or more specifically, a liana. It serves for mystification and bewitchment” 

Medicinal Uses

Vilca leaves are used to:

  • treat respiratory ailments and 
  • asthma and 
  • the tree is also valued for its ability to bring back pristine oxygen and 
  • block pollutants in the air, which many believe is a contributing factor to the residents’ 
  • good health and longevity.
  • A tea made from vilca seeds is used for digestive troubles.  
  • The seeds, when combined with a chicha brew, may also be used to help fever.
  •  Seeds are added to honey to increase female fertility and 
  • as a diuretic
  • However, the seeds are also abortifacients. 
  • The gum of A. colubrina is used to treat coughs, while 
  • the snuff is used to treat headaches
  • constipation and 
  • flu
Psychedelic Snuff

To make the psychedelic snuff called Vilca (sometimes called cebil), the black beans from the bean pods of these trees are first toasted until the beans pop like popcorn breaking the bean's husk. The roasting process facilitates removal of the husk and makes the beans easier to grind into a powder. 

The bean's husk is usually removed because it is difficult to powderise. The bean is then ground with a mortar and pestle into a powder and mixed with a natural form of calcium hydroxide (lime) or calcium oxide (from certain types of ashes, calcined shells, etc.). This mix is then moistened to a consistency similar to bread dough, using a small amount of water. If calcium oxide is used, the water will react with it to form calcium hydroxide. 

Once moistened, it is kneaded into a ball for several minutes so that all the bufotenin comes into contact with the calcium hydroxide and forms the free-base. After kneading, it is then left to sit for several hours to several days, depending on the local customs. 

During this period most of the excess calcium hydroxide reacts with the carbon dioxide in the air to form calcium carbonate. Calcium hydroxide is caustic in the presence of water, and is very irritating to the nasal passages, so it is desirable to allow any left over calcium hydroxide to convert to calcium carbonate. It is then thoroughly dried and ready for use. 

The more modern non-traditional use of baking soda or ammonia as a substitute for calcium hydroxide has been used with limited success. A nearly identical snuff called Yopo, can be prepared from the related Anadenanthera peregrina.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Bible Plants Carob Tree St John's-bread Uses Antialergic, Antidiabetic

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 297-365

The Carob tree tends to grow up to 50-55 feet tall in its lifetime and can have a trunk up to 33 inches around. The carob tree is best known for producing edible seeds, which can be eaten as a substitute for chocolate. The pods from the seeds are often said to closely resemble green beans. 

The seed of the Carob tree is the ancient weight used by goldsmiths in times pasat to weigh gold and precious stones. The seed of the carob fruit is always of the same weight, hence the word carat (from Ceratonia).


Ceratonia siliqua, commonly known as the carob tree, St John's-bread, or locust bean is a species of flowering evergreen shrub or tree in the pea family.

The scientific name of carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) is derived from the Greek wordkeras, "horn," and the Latin word siliqua, which refers to the the hardness and shape of the pod. The common name originates from the Hebrew kharuv, from which are derived the Arabic kharrub and later algarrobo or garrofero in Spanish, carrubo in Italian, caroubier in French, Karubenbaum in German, alfarrobeira in Portuguese,charaoupi in Greek, charnup in Turkish, and garrofer or garrover in Catalan.

Flowers Pods and Seeds

The carob tree flowers in September and October. The flowers on female carob trees must be pollinated by pollen from the male trees. 

Developing carob pods have the appearance of green broad beans but they turn a dark glossy brown with maturity. They are between 4"and 10"long and weigh 0.75 to 1.5 oz\. 

The pods contain four series of oval holes, each bearing a seed like a watermelon seed. Each pod can contain up to 15 seeds.  Carob seeds and pods are edible. The ground seeds are used as a substitute for cocoa and as a food (also known as algarroba, St. John's bread, and locust bean gum). 

The pods are commonly used as cattle feed. Carob powder is also used as a food stabilizer and as a darkening agent.

 The pods are slowly hammer milled to separate the seed from the pulp or kibble. Continuous gentle drying, grinding and roasting of the pods, produces various grades of carob powder or flour. 

To produce carob syrup or extract, the coarsely ground pods are boiled in water, concentrating their natural sugars and flavor into a dark brown, molasses-like consistency.

Enjoy EDENSOY Carob and its unique delicious chocolate-like flavor just as you would any chocolate beverage. It is delicious both warm and chilled, and excellent as an ingredient in making desserts and baked goods.

Facts about Carob Tree

1. The Carob tree prefers a dry climate and is native to the Mediterranean.
2. The fruit of carob is called a pod and is edible.
3. The pod not only contains many small beans, but also a semi-sweet pulp.
4. Locust bean gum is made from the pulp of the pods and used as a stabilizer, emulsifier or thickener.
5. Carob pods contain iron, magnesium, calcium, vitamins A, B2, B3, and D plus etc.
6. Carob pods can be ground into flour and used as a cocoa substitute for chocolate flavoring.
7. Carob contain just 1/3rd of the calories of chocolate  so great if you are on a diet.
8. Carob pods are almost fat-free –  another plus.
9. Carob is non-allergenic – great if you are allergic to chocolate.
10. Carob has various other applications including the production of cosmetic facemasks, fodder for livestock to name a few.

 11. The residues of the pods after making the syrup are used as a fertilizer, for example on the medicinal plants.


Carob has been used for over 5000 years. Its name comes from the Arabic Kharrub orKharoub, meaning pod or bean pod. 

The Greek Theophratus recorded in 4BC that his contemporaries called the carob the Egyptian fig. Ancient Egyptians used the gummy properties of carob seed by using it as an adhesive in binding mummies and the pods and seeds have been found in Egyptian tombs. The Romans are said to have eaten the pods when green and fresh for their natural sweetness.

This plant is also called St. John's bread or locust bean because the pods were once thought to have been the "locusts" that were eaten by John the Baptist in the Wilderness.

That story was apparently wrong--he ate migratory locust. Seeds were used to weight gold, hence the word "carat." Mohammed's army ate kharoub , and Arabs planted the crop in northern Africa and Spain (Moors), along with citrus ( Citrus ) and olives ( Olea ).
Spaniards carried carob to Mexico and South America, and the British took carob to South Africa, India, and Australia.

Records show that carob was intentionally introduced into the United States in 1854, and the first seedlings were apparently planted in California in 1873. For commercial production cultivars with the finest quality fruits are bud grafted on common stock.

Another biblical reference to carob pods is also probable in the parable of the prodigal son who squandered his inheritance and so became a servant, looking after the pigs."He would gladly have fed on the pods that the swine ate ..."- the pods would most probably have been the pods of the carob trees which would still produce crops in times of drought and famine.

Medicinal Uses

Carob seeds contain natural laxatives that can help promote digestive health. Most often, the plant was used as a remedy for upset stomachs, and other digestive complications. The use of the carob seed as medicine has been in practice for thousands of years.  In addition, there are mentions in the Bible of the plant being used for its healing powers.

  • The pods can be used as medicine in the treatment of cough and 
  • a concentrated extract of carob pods is suggested as a sweetening agent for pharmaceutical preparations
  • The fresh pods have laxative properties whereas 
  • the dried powder on the contrary has anti diarrhea effects. A typical dose of carob powder for the treatment of diarrhea or high cholesterol in adults is 15–20 grams daily. The dose is reduced proportionately by weight for treating diarrhea in children. Like other fiber sources, carob should be taken with plenty of water.
  • Carob improves digestion
  • Carob lowers bad cholesterol level in the blood
  • Carob can prevent cervical and lung cancers
  • Carob has anti-oxidant properties that can help repair damaged cells.
  • Carob has anti-allergic, antibacterial, antiviral and analgesic action.
  • Carob can prevent anemia, treat cough and flu 
  • Carob is rich in phosphorous and calcium and is used to prevent and treat osteoclasis and osteoporosis
  • antidiabetes controlling blood sugar levels 
  • anti-lupus benefits
  •  benefit for enhancing weight loss 
Edible Parts
The young, tender pods are edible raw or boiled. You can pulverize the seeds in mature pods and cook as porridge.

Reforestation with Carob Tree Planting Details

Seed Preparation: treat seed with hot water followed by a 3 day soak. Germinates in 12 - 37 days; has a low germination percentage.

Planting Depth: Seeds should be sown 2.5 - 5 cm deep in individual tree tubes. Transplant the seedling when 8 - 10 cm high, either into a larger container or into the ground before the taproot is restricted by the tree tube. Care must be taken to prevent root damage, particularly 'J' rooting, which will slow down future growth. Some growers have experimented with deeper pots created by cutting agricultural pipe into half lengthwise and then tying the pieces together with wire to create a very deep pot to protect the long taproot system. Direct sowing, of pre-germinated seeds, with treeguards, may be preferable on some sites.

Spacing: mature trees grow to a height and spread of 10 m. The suggested plant spacing is about 10 m by 7 m, which gives 110 trees/ha.

Disease Problems: particular care must be taken during propagation, as carob seed is susceptible to fungal attack by 'damping off' soil organisms. The seed raising mix should be sandy and free draining. Using a sterilised seed raising mix to prevent fungal infection may double the seedling survival rate. It is important to avoid over-watering.

Position: full Sun.

Soil Type: tolerant of wide range of soil types except heavy clay; need good drainage; pH 6.2 - 8.6

Grafting: commercial orchards should contain about 95% female plants, so grafting is necessary as seed usually produces about 70% male plants. Top grafting is most effective and is most successful when it is done to plants growing strongly.

After Planting Care: care must be taken to protect the seedling from frost and grazing animals. Watering when young is advisable.

The carob tree begins producing about five pounds of pods six to eight years after planting, and continues bearing fruit for 80 to 100 years. By the time the tree is 12 years old it produces approximately 100 pounds of bean pods per year, while older trees produce up to 250 pounds. 

In September and October the trees blossom and then take a further 11 months to develop thick, flat, green pods. When mature the pods turn a glossy dark brown and become very hard.