Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Huarango Trees Prosopis limensis good for Diabet

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 294-365

Common names

  • Algarroba
  • American Carob
  • Huarango
  • Kiawe
  • Mesquite
The Plant
Huarango trees are literally life saving. Their pods can be used as fodder for livestock, ground into flour for human consumption, sweetened into molasses, or even fermented into beer. 
The light yellow flowers are a haven for bees, and the tree itself helps capture seasonal floodwaters on their way from the Andes to the Pacific, supporting humans, animals, and plan.
 Huarango trees capture moisture from fog in winter, and their exceptionally long 
roots (sometimes over 50 m) are able to tap deep groundwater, making life 
possible in the desert.  Sadly Huarango forest is on the edge of extinction: a 
situation reflected by its national classification as threatened and by the regional 
government by-law making all Huarango deforestation illegal .
The fruit of mesquite is basically a pod or legume, which grows up to a length of anything between 16 inches and 30 inches and its width is a little more than 1.5 cm, while its thickness is about 8 mm. Usually, the weight of one mesquite pod is roughly 12 grams and it encloses three main segments - the external shell, the seeds and the pulp. All these are contained in a hard shell that is difficult to open. Each pod contains about 25 seeds on average. All the components or parts of the mesquite fruit are used. According to estimation, on average, one mesquite tree produces approximately 40 kg fruit every year. Generally, 70 trees grow in one hectare of field.
The Huarango is the primary producer, providing invaluable ecosystem services
 including soil fertility, desalination, climate improvement and a key 
refuge foranimals in desert areas e.g. rare birds such as the slender-billed 
finch (Xenospinus concolor). The importance of conserving this resource is widely 
recognised in Peru 
The Huarango trees of Ica produce two crops of pods per year: a large one in April and smaller one in October. The production is prolific: a tree 20-70 years old can produce 50-150 kg of pods per year depending on the pollination and seasonal conditions. 
The sweet yellow pods (known as huaranga) are so nutritious they are considered a 'complete' food, containing high levels of carbohydrate and protein as well as vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, folic acid and minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron). 
They have been used for human food for at least 7,000 years, and in pre-Columbian times sometimes provided an estimated 50% of the diet for local populations.
In the dry forests of Northern Peru the pods of the Algarrobo tree (Prosopis juliflora andProsopis pallida), which are similar to the Huarango (Prosopis limensis), are still used to make a variety of products. 
Medicinal Uses
 When ground into flour and used in baking, no sugar is necessary. Studies of similar mesquite flour being used in the US suggest that it is excellent for diabetics and people sensitive to blood sugar fluctuations. 
Its sweetness is a result of fructose, which does not require insulin to be metabolized. 
The pods have 11-17 percent protein, including lysine, and a healthy 25% fiber. 
It takes between 4 and 6 hours to digest, as opposed to the 1 to 2 hours it takes to digest wheat. Since the body metabolizes it more slowly, it means a more constant blood sugar level over a longer period and one does not get hungry as soon.
 It is also a good source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and zinc among other vitamins and minerals. It is low carbohydrate, low glycemic, and low in fat. 
A long tradition of medicinal uses ranges from digestive aids to cauterization.
Other Names
The kiawe tree, as it is known in Hawaii, and the huarango tree, as it is known in Peru is the source of the best tasting mesquite beans ever. These are so very delicious.
The huarango tree, native to the coast of Peru, is known in Quechua as tacco, which  means "The Tree"—not just a tree, any tree, but "The" tree, "The One." The ultimate provider. It has also been called "The Staff of Life," or "The King of the Desert."
To understand the profound importance of the huarango, one must realize that Nasca is at the heart of one of the most fragile ecosystems on earth.  
Part of the Atacama-Sechura desert that extends into Chile, it is also one of the driest places on earth. There is no rainfall along the Peruvian coast, and the surface rivers that fill with runoff during the rainy season in the mountains are not enough to sustain life along the coastal valleys.
With roots reaching as deep as 60 metres underground to seek out water, lifespans beyond 1000 years and leaves that trap airborne moisture, huarango trees (Prosopis pallida) were a "keystone" species that turned otherwise arid river banks in Peru into oases flanked by fertile flood plains. They also fertilised the otherwise poor soil by dropping leaves and fixing nitrogen.
Reforestation in Peru ,-  since 2007. In this time, with the help of over 18,000 local residents we have planted over 44,000 native trees. The main aims are 1. to restore the critically endangered dry huarango forest, 2. to revive the planting and use of ancient tree species and 3. to increase environmental protection.
Is this tree the salvation of Spain and Greece mountains? It can be. Hope is not too late for reforestation using this tree.
Huarango Festival
Through an annual Huarango Festival, and the marketing of the many huarango fruit products, people of Peru are demonstrating the true value of this remarkable tree. They are also planting new huarangos in schools and in community gardens. Students at the San Juan de Bautista University have planted more than 2,000 huarangos on dunes around the city.
The Huarango Festival (now in its sixth year) is organised in April over three days to coincide with the Huarango pod harvest. This popular family event is attended by several thousand people and attracts wide local press coverage. The regional government has been supportive following its establishment by the project, declaring the festival for official inclusion in the municipal regional calendar.
History of Huarango Trees in Peru

The ancient Nazca people of Peru are famous for the lines they drew in the desert depicting strange animal forms.
A further mystery is what happened to this once great civilization, which suddenly vanished 1,500 years ago….
Now a team of archaeologists have found the demise of the Nazca society was linked in part to the fate of the Huarango  tree.

Their extensive root systems physically anchored the oases in place, and protected them from periodic floods; their huge branches deflected the wind, which can be fiercer than 100 kilometres per hour. 

Once this protection was gone, the huge flood in around 500 AD destroyed the agricultural systems with which the Nazca people had replaced the huarango, turning the terrain into desert.


David Beresford-Jones of the University of Cambridge and Alex Chepstow-Lusty of the French Institute for Andean Studies in Lima, Peru, analysed 1.5-metre-deep profiles of pollen distribution in soil from Nazca oasis sites.
In the oldest, deepest layers, about 70 per cent of the pollen is from huarango trees. Around 1.2 metres down, pollen from crops such as maize and cotton joins that of the huarango, showing the beginnings of agricultural expansion.
And around a depth of 80 centimetres, corresponding to around 200 AD to 400 AD, the crop pollen starts to dominate, and huarango pollen rapidly diminishes, showing that most trees had been felled.
Suddenly, about 50 centimetres down – corresponding to about 500 AD – the only pollen is from plants of the Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae families, which thrive in salty water, marking the flood that doomed the Nazca. Thereafter, the salty soil could no longer support crops.
 In the last year alone, 80% of a huarango forest near Tunga was lost. [iv]Thirty years ago the province of Ica still had 50,000 hectares of huarango forest. Less than 1,000 remain in 2007. Of that, only 200 hectares are actually considered true forest.


Monday, February 9, 2015

Reforestation of the Planet

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 293-365

The Billion Tree Campaign was inspired by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Wangari Maathai, founder of the Green Belt Movement. When an executive in the United States told Professor Maathai their corporation was planning to plant a million trees, her response was: “That’s great, but what we really need is to plant a billion trees.” The campaign was carried out under the patronage of Prince Albert II of Monaco.

December 2011, five years since the campaign’s launch, the campaign’s website www.unep.org/billiontreecampaign proudly registered over 12.5 billion planted trees across 193 countries.

Wangari Maathai was the inspiration for the Billion Tree Campaign, and she became its most fervent advocate. Professor Wangari Maathai, who died in 2011, saw the campaign flourish and far outpace its original goals. Butshe never lost sight of its humble origins.

 It was her own experience as founder of Kenya’s Green Belt Movement which taught her the importance of engaging stakeholders at every level of society. In 2006, shewrote: “Tree-planting does not require a great deal of money or technology; it requires the mobilisation of citizens to plant trees and nurture them.” As the Billion Tree Campaign enters the next phase of its existence, we remember Wangari Maathai, and her words have even greater significance than ever.

People from all around the world have enthusiastically joined the campaign and planted trees in their own communities. 

In the process, they have taken a stand for the environment, and proved that the story of humanity on Earth is not one of inexorable environmental exploitation and decline — but with will and purpose, can be a story of stewardship and protection.

To Plant a tree

1. Dig a hole at least twice the width of the root ball to allow the roots to spread out. Remove the tree from its container, carefully cut off broken roots, and slightly loosen the root ball.

2. Place the tree in the planting hole. Always lift the tree by the root ball and never by the trunk. Spread periphery roots outwards. Avoid planting the tree too deep. Make sure that the soil line of the young tree is higher than the surface of the surrounding hole.

3. Shovel some soil into the planting hole. Check the planting depth and adjust if needed. Confirm that the tree is straight. Fill the hole gently but firmly. Pat the soil around the base of the root ball.

4. It is not recommended to apply fertilizer at the time of planting. Water the seedling thoroughly with a slow stream of water to settle the soil. Do not stake the tree. The sooner the tree can stand alone, the sooner it will become strong.

5. Provide follow up care. Protect the tree from pests and diseases by removing plants nearby which are likely to affect it. Remove weeds as they will compete with tree roots for moisture and nutrients. Protect the tree from destruction by livestock.

6. If suitable, space trees well to avoid competition for air and soil nutrients, and to encourage the growth of branches. Watch out for drought conditions and provide water if needed, especially during the first few months. Watch out for yellowing of leaves. Always maintain good air circulation in the tree by pruning to avoid pests and other diseases.

The Next Step

The Next Step would be the protection against logging industry. We need to stop logging mining and oil industry to destroy the forests.
The land should be administered for life for those that plant the trees and care fore the trees if they wish to take care for the forest and land that is the property of the government.

February 2015

We are very pleased to announce that, to date, we register 13013063176 tree planting confirmations.

Here is a link with planting by country



Cina’s Gobi and Taklamakan Deserts cover about one-tenth of the country’s land, but they’re responsible for a majority of the sand that inundates Beijing during gargantuan dust storms, making the city’s polluted air even more deadly.
Thanks to centuries of overgrazing, deforestation, and bad water management, the frequency and severity of those dust storms has been on the rise. But since the late 1970s, China has been working to stop the dust invasion by planting trees—billions of them—as part of a project called the Great Green Wall.
It’s one of the most aggressive environment-altering projects ever attempted, with a goal to plant 100 billion trees across 2,800 miles by 2050.
“Since its implementation, the program has improved vegetation, which decrease the intensity of dust storms,” study coauthor Minghong Tan a researcher at Beijing’s Institute of Geographic Sciences 
Only around 15 percent of trees planted on China’s dry lands since 1949 survive today, Cao Shixiong of Beijing Forestry University, told The Economist.
Five hundred years ago, the Atlantic Forest of Brazil covered approximately 330 million acres (about twice the size of Texas), but today more than 85% of this forest has been cleared and what remains is highly fragmented (due to coastal development, urban expansion, agriculture, exotic plantations, ranching, and illegal logging).
How does the Nature Conservancy work in the Atlantic Forest? The Nature Conservancy and a team of local, international, public and private partners have launched an ambitious campaign to plant a billion trees by 2015. To accomplish this, TNC will:
  • -- Reforest degraded lands by planting one billion native trees
  • -- Create forest corridors to protect, connect and buffer forested areas
  • -- Establish and strengthen private and public protected areas
  • -- Promote legal incentives and conservation easements to secure protection of private land
  • -- Provide technical assistance for private landowners reforesting their lands
  • -- Restore or preserve 30 million acres of rainforest by 2015
The 1 Billion Trees initiative was an idea proposed by then South Australian Premier, Mike Rann.
Canada Ontario
Trees Ontario administers the Ontario government's 50 Million Tree Program, part of the United Nations Billion Tree Campaign. The United Nations' goal is to plant one billion trees worldwide each year. Ontario is committed to plant 50 million trees by 2025.
In 2010, Trees Ontario reached a milestone – 10 million trees planted since 2004. This achievement is significant considering the time and degree of planning necessary to develop the infrastructure to produce and then plant 10 million tree seedlings. 
Tree seed needs to be collected from the species and in the quantities necessary to meet the future demand. Nurseries must then plant and care for them until they grow into seedlings. The seedlings are finally lifted from the nursery beds, packaged, delivered to the landowner or planting agency and subsequently planted as part of various planting projects. 
Sometimes it can take up to 4 years for a seed to become a seedling ready for planting. The 2011 goal is to plant 3 million trees and to eventually support the planting of 10 million trees per year by 2015.
“Trees are the lungs of the earth – they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. They help clean our air, restore our watersheds, provide wildlife habitat and buffer against the effects of climate change, “All of us have a role to play in protecting the environment so that we can ensure a sustainable ecosystem and the health of Ontarians now and for our future generations.”

“It is the little things that citizens do. That’s what will make the difference. My little thing is planting trees.” Wangari Maathai

"We all share one planet and are one hummanity, there is no escaping this reality."
"The challenge for Africa" Professor Wangari Maathai

At first, I thought I was fighting to save rubber trees, then I thought I was fighting to save the Amazon rainforest. Now I realize I am fighting for humanity.
Chico Mendes, Brazilian Environmentalist
"If you are thinking a year ahead, sow a seed. 
If you are thinking ten years ahead, plant a tree." 
Chinese poet, 500 BC

"He who plants a tree loves others beside himself."
English proverb

"The best friend on Earth of man is the tree. When we use the tree respectfully and economically,
we have one of the greatest resources of the Earth."
Frank Lloyd Wright

"They are beautiful in their peace; they are wise in their silence. They will stand after we are dust.
They teach us, and we tend them."
Galeain ip Altiem MacDunelmor

"Though a tree grows so high, the falling leaves return to the root. "
Malay proverb
"A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in."
Greek proverb
"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree."
Martin Luther
"The great French Marshall Lyautey once asked his gardener to plant a tree. The gardener objected that the tree was slow growing and would not reach maturity for 100 years. The Marshall replied, 'In that case, there is no time to lose; plant it this afternoon!'"
John F. Kennedy
"Trees are poems that Earth writes upon the sky. We fell them down and turn them into paper, that we may record our emptiness."
Kahlil Gibran
"If what I say resonates with you, it is merely because we are both branches on the same tree."
W. B. Yeats

"A tree is our most intimate contact with nature."
George Nakashima, woodworker

"A tree uses what comes its way to nurture itself.  By sinking its roots deeply into the earth, by accepting the rain that flows towards it, by reaching out to the sun, the tree perfects its character and becomes great.  ...  Absorb, absorb, absorb. That is the secret of the tree."
Deng Ming-Dao,  Everyday Tao

"Plant trees.  They give us two of the most crucial elements for our survival: oxygen and books. "
A. Whitney Brown

"Each generation takes the Earth as trustees.  We ought to bequeath to posterity as many forests and
orchards as we have exhausted and consumed. "
J. Sterling Morton

"To me, nature is sacred; trees are my temples and forests are my cathedrals."
Mikhail Gorbachev

"God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods.  But he cannot save them from fools. "
John Muir

"The forest is a peculiar organism of unlimited kindness and benevolence that makes no demands for its sustenance and extends generously the products of its life and activity; it affords protection to all beings."
Buddhist Sutra

"People who will not sustain trees will soon live in a world which cannot sustain people. "
Bryce Nelson
"Reforesting the earth is possible, given a human touch."
Sandra Postel and Lori Heise, Worldwatch Institute

"When you see the trees swaying to the tune of a gentle breeze... think of it as a dance in your honor."
Marjolein Bastin
"Plant trees, Lots of trees "
"An Inconvenient Truth" Al Gore

 "A tree is our most intimate contact with nature"
George Nakashima 
 "People who will not sustain trees will soon live in a world that will not sustain people"
Bryce Nelson
 "No shade tree? Blame not the sun, but yourself"
Chinese Proverb




Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Alberta's Forest

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 292-365

We must lo live the Earth in a better shape that we have found it. 
We need to protect the life forms that cannot protect themselves; the life forms that do not have a voice. The forests......
We are interconnected. 

EDMONTON - A report based on new satellite imagery says forests on the slopes of Alberta's Rocky Mountains are disappearing more quickly than anywhere else in the province — including the oil  sands area.

The Global Forest Watch data, to be released Thursday, suggests industrial development is cutting through forests on the eastern slopes at twice the Canadian average and faster than countries that include the United States, Russia and Brazil.

In 12 years, the eastern slopes of the Rockies lost 6.8 per cent of their forests that weren't in a protected area. That outpaced the rate of deforestation in the oilsands region, which came in at 5.5 per cent.
The Canadian average was 3.1 per cent. Brazil's average was 4.3 per cent, the U.S. was 2.9 per cent and Russia came in at 2.2 per cent.
Most forest loss in Canada is due to fire.. In Alberta, it's almost entirely due to energy and forestry.
"Ninety-five-plus per cent of forest loss in the eastern slopes is due to industrialization. It's almost exclusively due to industrial uses."

Today the landscape is scarred by Tar Sands extraction which has become known as "the most destructive project on Earth". The scale is so enormous that the wound can be seen from space. The oil embedded in the sand lies under 140,000 km2 of forests, equivalent to the size of England. 
The Tar Sands process emits as much as four times more carbon dioxide than conventional drilling. There is rapid deforestation as trees are cut down and the top layer of peat is removed to reveal the oil sands.
 Four barrels of water, energy equal to three barrels of oil, and four tons of earth are required to extract one barrel of oil.