Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Alberta's Forest

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 292-365

We must lo live the Earth in a better shape that we have found it. 
We need to protect the life forms that cannot protect themselves; the life forms that do not have a voice. The forests......
We are interconnected. 

EDMONTON - A report based on new satellite imagery says forests on the slopes of Alberta's Rocky Mountains are disappearing more quickly than anywhere else in the province — including the oil  sands area.

The Global Forest Watch data, to be released Thursday, suggests industrial development is cutting through forests on the eastern slopes at twice the Canadian average and faster than countries that include the United States, Russia and Brazil.

In 12 years, the eastern slopes of the Rockies lost 6.8 per cent of their forests that weren't in a protected area. That outpaced the rate of deforestation in the oilsands region, which came in at 5.5 per cent.
The Canadian average was 3.1 per cent. Brazil's average was 4.3 per cent, the U.S. was 2.9 per cent and Russia came in at 2.2 per cent.
Most forest loss in Canada is due to fire.. In Alberta, it's almost entirely due to energy and forestry.
"Ninety-five-plus per cent of forest loss in the eastern slopes is due to industrialization. It's almost exclusively due to industrial uses."

Today the landscape is scarred by Tar Sands extraction which has become known as "the most destructive project on Earth". The scale is so enormous that the wound can be seen from space. The oil embedded in the sand lies under 140,000 km2 of forests, equivalent to the size of England. 
The Tar Sands process emits as much as four times more carbon dioxide than conventional drilling. There is rapid deforestation as trees are cut down and the top layer of peat is removed to reveal the oil sands.
 Four barrels of water, energy equal to three barrels of oil, and four tons of earth are required to extract one barrel of oil.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Lucky Trees in Thailand

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 291-365

There are many types of lucky tree in Thailand and Thai people believe that a Mayom tree (Star Gooseberry) planted in front of the house will bring fame and success. 

The tree is commonly cultivated in garden areas and around villages. It is also a Thai traditional belief that if one plants a tree or plant during the new year that it will bring luck, good success and prosperity to themselves and their families.

The Ka Nune plant (Jack Fruit tree) is usually planted at the back of the house will mean less obstacles through life and promote good business. 

Mayom branches are used by monks who dip it in the consecrated water and sprinkle it on persons or places as a sort of ritual purification.

Star Gooseberry tree (Mayom in Thai) is common in the Pacific islands, SE Asia, and in India in home gardens. 

The evergreen tree has long been naturalised in Thailand growing up to nine meters with yellowish green berries in the form of a star, and with the scientific name Phyllanthus acidus (Euphorbiaceae) and has flowers in long clusters. 

The tree grows well on most soil types, thriving even on quite alkaline soil, but likes moisture. Good cropping starts in four years from seed. The fruits are very acidic and are used to preserved the fruits in syrup. Nowadays, you can find sweet varieties available in the market. 

Medicinal Uses

Phyllanthus acidus  It is also cultivated for its medicinal properties including the treatment of fevers accompanied by a skin disease, e.g. the measles.

Saturday, January 31, 2015


By Liliana Usvat
Blog 290-365

I found this uplifting message on Internet and I would like to share it.

In April 2010, a historical moment occurred. More than 32,000 people, including Indigenous Peoples, social movements, small farmers and some world governmental leaders, converged in Cochabamba, Bolivia for the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth. Two outcomes of this conference were the Cochabamba Peoples Accord and the Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth. 

During the Cochabamba world conference, President Evo Morales of Bolivia officially proposed that the United Nations adopt a declaration that recognizes that Nature or “Mother Earth” has certain inherent rights that we humans must respect and defend. 
The adoption by the United Nations and national and local governments of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth would expand the class of holders of legally rights and would initiate a global process of transformation.
Our prophecies and teachings tell us that life on Mother Earth is in danger and is coming to a time of great transformation. As Indigenous Peoples, we are accepting the responsibility designated by our prophecies to tell the world that we must live in peace with each other and the Earth to ensure harmony within Creation.
Restoration of the original right of Mother Earth to her natural constitution
Mother Earth’s rights are equivalent to Human Rights. The reactivation of sacred places and sacred sites is vital for the reconstitution of a healthy and balanced life on Earth.
In this task, restoring and reactivating the neglected and injured sites of Mother Earth is urgent. It is necessary to carry out this task on a global level in all biocultural regions of the earth and to revitalize the sacred elements of life: Air, Water, Earth and Fire.
The Natural Rights of Mother Earth should be upheld and endorsed by the United Nations System and by national and regional laws.
The designation and protection of sacred areas of Mother Earth are a way to reinforce ancestral wisdom and the very constitution of Mother Earth.
Within this endeavor for cultural preservation, we recognize that songs, dance, music, prayer, restorative ceremonies and other cultural elements are invaluable and important.
Currently, there is a biocultural crisis on earth. Half of the world’s cultures have disappeared or are in danger of extinction. 
Likewise, ecosystems are growing more fragile each day. In spite of existing local and international laws, and significant advances in science and technology Mother Earth and all her beings today confront an ecological crisis that places life itself in jeopardy. 
We ardently invite global society and governments to embrace and activate a Unification Process which bring forth the natural wisdom of the Original Mandate and transform harmful ways of living to “Living Well”. 
For example, to alleviate Mother Earth’s fever, transitioning towards clean energies is imperative.
"We invite humanity to come together to improve our collective human behavior so that we may develop a more sustainable world. We can preserve, protect, and fulfill our sacred duties to live with respect in this wonderful Creation. We have the power and responsibility for change." Tom B.K. Goldtooth Indigenous Environmental Network
