Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Forest and Energy

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 285-365

Our forests aren't fuel.
What kind of world do we live to the next generation?

Incredible there are people that are paid to write about how good is to cut forests to produce energy.
In an age that we are seeing the large scale destruction of the environment.

And these people actually create policies and trends that have the final scope cutting the forests while there are conferences that pretend to care for the environment.

And all this is happening while we assist at large desertification processes around the world.

Who owns these lands?  Are they still useful lands after such destruction of the forests?

In 2013, Canada (primarily B.C.)  exported  $256 million in wood pellets, largely to the United Kingdom.

BC Will export to China wood pallets.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Muskogee Crape Fast Growing Tree

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 284-365

A tree for Parks Schools Front yards, Streets.
Consider this tree when you plan planting a tree. 

The new Muskogee Crape Myrtle is one of the few trees to bloom rich lavender purple flowers.
When you order these Muskogee Crape Myrtles… you not only get blooms that truly stand out from the ordinary… you get a well developed root structure that will support rapid growth.
Muskogee Crape Myrtles have one of the longest blooming periods of all Crape Myrtles… up to an amazing 120 days! You’ll be greeted by these lovely flowers for 4-5 months.
This enduring tree is also highly mildew resistant 
A member of the Indian Series, the Muskogee Crape Myrtle is characterized by an exceptionally fast growth rate unequaled by all of the hybrid selections from the United States Department of Agriculture National Arboretum, Muskogee produces an impressive mature tree specimen. In 15 to 20 years, Muskogee reaches a height of 30 feet and a width of 15-20 feet with a massive trunk caliper. 
Propagation Methods:
  • From softwood cuttings
  • From semi-hardwood cuttings
  • From hardwood cuttings
  • From hardwood heel cuttings
  • By air layering

Monday, January 19, 2015

Fast Growing Trees Elberta Peach Tree Medicinal Uses

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 283-365

Decide to plant a tree this year. Here is an idea.

Elberta Peaches are the world’s most famous peaches because of their abundance of taste, attractive color and disease resistance. 

These trees give you very large peaches that are great for canning, snacking and baking.

Elberta Peach Trees are the most disease resistant peach trees available. You no longer have to worry about your tree or your peaches!

These trees are even insect resistant... meaning you can grow your peaches organically. No more spraying chemicals on your fruit!

They ripen to a deep, golden yellow with a blush of red.

Your tree has been continually pruned back to encourage more branches.  The additional limbs produce significantly more fruit and produce it quicker.
Elberta peach trees are normally planted in pairs so they can pollinate each other. This pollination causes your trees to produce more fruit!

Elberta Peach Trees grow rapidly, and mature quickly to a height of 15 feet. The faster they grow, the sooner they reward you with delicious fruit. 

It's Easy to Plant your Elberta Peach Tree
Step 1 - Dig Your HoleSelect a site with full to partial sun and moist or well drained soil for your Elberta Peach Tree.

First, dig each hole so that it is just shallower than the root ball and at least twice the width.

Then loosen the soil in the planting hole so the roots can easily break through.

Use your shovel or try dragging the points of a pitch fork along the sides and bottom of the hole.

Step 2 - Place Your PlantNext, separate the roots of your Elberta Peach Tree gently with your fingers and position them downward in the hole.

The top of the root flare, where the roots end and the trunk begins, should be about an inch above the surrounding soil.

Then make sure the plant is exactly vertical in the hole.

To make it just right, use a level.
Step 3 - Backfill Your Hole
As you backfill the hole, apply water to remove air pockets.

Remove debris like stones and grass and completely break up any dirt clumps.

Water your Elberta Peach Tree again after the transplant is complete.

To help retain some of that moisture, it's recommended that you place mulch around each plant to a depth of 2"-3" up to but not touching the trunk. Organic mulches such as wood chips also help to better soil structure as they decompose.

Medicinal use: 

Traditionally, bark and leaves have been used in cases of whooping coughs and bronchitis. Nowadays, peach leaves are usually recommended in treatment of irritated digestive tract.  Peach kernel oil is said to stimulate hair growth, and is commonly used as a mosturiser and for massage. 

Tea made from the leaves acts as an excellent kidney cleanser.

 Fruit contains high percentage of water, and is an excellent laxative. It is helpful in eliminating toxins, an usually included in the weight-loss programs. 

Cooked and purred Peach fruit is extremely helpful in cases of stomach ulcers, bowel inflammations and colitis. Fresh Peach stimulates digetion, regulates bowel and alkalinizes blood stream.  

Peaches and plum extracts were effective in killing even the most aggressive types of breast cancer cells and did not harm normal healthy cells in the process.