Tuesday, December 2, 2014

FURZE Sacred Celtic Bush

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 265-365

Latin Name: Ulex europaeus

Called whin in the North of Ireland and gorse in the east, furze was once a symbol of wealth and fertility of land as is emphasized by the saying: "gold under furze, silver under rushes and famine under heather"

Fruze -Also known as Gorse, Whin. Its golden flowers are associated with the Spring Equinox. Wood and blooms are burned for protection and preparation for conflict of any sort. 

As one of the sacred trees, furze was included in the Celtic Beltane bonfires. The stock would be herded between these for purification and protection before being released onto the summer grazing. When this tradition diminished, torches of furze were still carried around the herds and farm buildings in order to cleanse the air and protect the animals against sterility.

About Sacred Celtic Trees
To the Celts and many other peoples of the old world, certain trees held special significance as a fuel for heat, cooking, building materials and weaponry. In addition to this however, many woods also provided a powerful spiritual presence. The specific trees varied between different cultures and geographic locations, but those believed to be "sacred" shared certain traits. Unusual size, beauty, the wide range of materials they provided, unique physical characteristics, or simply the power of the tree's spirit could grant it a central place in the folklore and mythology of a culture. Even our modern culture finds that certain trees capture our imagination. The mighty oak, the mystical yew and so many others are reminders of the power that trees have on our lives. 

Trees are living things, filled with the essence and energy and of the Elementals and Mother Earth with an aura of power which is visible to those who are in total balance and harmony. The lore which surrounds a particular tree or wood often reflects the power the old ones sensed and drew from their presence.

More about Furze

Furze is closely associated with the sun god Lugh, the Celtic god of light and genius and with the Spring Equinox, at which time it’s one of the only plants in full flower. However, folklore attaches it to festivals throughout the spring and summer months as a symbol of the power of the sun. In Brittany the Celtic festival of Lugnasdagh, on August 1st, is known as The Festival of Golden Gorse.

As an evergreen that flowers the whole year round, furze is seen to carry within it a spark of the sun’s life giving energy, a spark that can be seen even through the darker winter months. It is a symbol of encouragement and a promise of good things to come. Furze tells us to remain focused and optimistic, even in the darkest days. To keep hopeful and remain constant throughout the inevitable periods of difficulty we all experience.


As one of the first spring flowering plants, the furze provides a plentiful supply of pollen for bees when they first come out of hibernation. The product of the bees labour, honey, is the Celtic symbol of wisdom, achieved through hard work and dedication. The furze tells us that if we apply ourselves and keep faith in the future, we will be rewarded. However bleak things may appear, there is always the possibility of periods of fertility, creativity and well-being; whilst its thorns remind us that there is protection from unwanted ideas or influences.

In County Kerry it is said that if you 'get a few handfuls of the yellow blossoms of the furze and boil them in water and give the water as a dose to a horse, this will cure worms' (from the National Folklore Collection, University College Dublin)

Medicinal Uses

A decoction made with the flowers has been found effectual against the jaundice, and to promote urine, and cleanse the kidneys from gravel or stone.

Parkinson tells us that 'some have used the flowers against the jaundice.' An infusion of the blossoms used to be given to children to drink in scarlet-fever.
Gerard states: 'the seeds are employed in medicines against the stone and staying of the laske' (laxness of the bowels). They have some astringent property, containing tannin.
Old writers also tell-us that 'sodden with honey, it clears the mouth' and that it 'is good against snake-bite.'

It had an old reputation as an insecticide: 'Against fleas, take this same wort, with its seed, sodden; sprinkle it into the house; it killeth the fleas.'

In 1886 A. W. Gerrard discovered an alkaloid in the seeds, more powerful as a purgative than the Sparteine obtained from Cytisus scoparius (Link) (Pharm. Journal, Aug. 7, 1886). This was named Ulexine.

 In 1890 the German scientist Kobert, as the result of much investigation, came to the conclusion that Ulexine and Cytisine are identical. He also found indication of a second alkaloid. The suggestion gave rise to a considerable chemico-physiological discussion (see Pharm. Journal, Feb. 1891). Ulexine has been used in cardiac dropsy, the dose being from 1/15 to 1/20, of a grain.


If growing around your property will protect you from curses or hexes.  Provides a barrier which protects from influence of the Sidhe.  Made into a 'broom' to sweep away evil influences from your house, sweep from east to west chanting 'out with evil, from this house, as the sun travels bring us peace'

Monday, December 1, 2014

Canadian Forests by the Numbers

Blog 264-365

Let's follow the money to find what is happening with the Canadian's forest.

Forest inventory                                  2013
Forest area by classification                (hectares)
Forest land                                  347,575,750
Other land with tree cover              8,498,940
Other wooded land                            40,865,660
Total area                                          396,940,350

Forest ownership
Provincial                       76.6%
Territorial                               12.9%
Private                                 6.2%
Aboriginal                         2.0%
Federal                                  1.6%

Insects (hectares, 2012)
Area defoliated by insects and containing beetle-killed trees 8,582,720
Fires (2013)
Area burned (hectares)                                                        4,203,867
Number of fires   2013                                                            6,246

Forest management
Harvesting (2012)
Area harvested (hectares)                                                594,003

Volume harvested (cubic metres)                                 151,978,000

Regeneration (hectares, 2012)
Area planted                                                                           347,127
Area seeded                                                                            10,576
Third-party certification (hectares, 2013)
Area certified                                                                    152,937,728

Protected forest (IUCN categories)
Ia Strict nature reserve                                                               0.10%
Ib Wilderness area                                                                   1.90%
II Ecosystem conservation and protection                             4.20%
III Conservation of natural features                                         0.50%
IV Conservation through active management                         0.20%
V Landscape conservation and recreation                            0.02%

Domestic economic impact
Contribution to nominal GDP (current dollars, 2013)
Forestry and logging industry                                           4,100,000,000
Pulp and paper product manufacturing industry           8,000,000,000
Wood product manufacturing industry                           8,800,000,000
Total contribution to nominal GDP                                  20,900,000,000

Balance of trade (total exports, dollars, 2013)                    19,205,972,823
Value of domestic exports (dollars, 2013)
Primary wood products                                                       1,300,128,228
Pulp and paper products                                                     15,729,889,975
Wood-fabricated materials                                             11,388,478,205
Total value of exports                                                     28,418,496,408

Value of imports (dollars, 2013)                                      9,377,990,632


Friday, November 28, 2014

Old Forests protect Bee Population

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 263-365

We must realize how important it is to live in harmony with nature and to not take too much from nature. 
Taking a short-term, resource extractive economic perspective is not in the best interest of the future of humanity, for humans depend upon a healthy environment for food, air, nature and happiness.

The existence of the old forests is essential for the existence of bee population.
Without bees we loose the pollinators and the food supply would decrease.


There are six naturally occurring species of bees: Forest, Meadows, Modest, Tropical, Wintry and Marshy.

European honey-bee populations face threats to their survival. North American and European populations were severely depleted byvarroa-mite infestations during the early 1990s, and US beekeepers were further affected by colony collapse disorder in 2006 and 2007. Improved cultural practices and chemical treatments against varroa mites saved most commercial operations; new bee breeds are beginning to reduce beekeeper dependence on acaricides.

New Research

Paul Stamets reveals new ground breaking research at the 2014 Bioneers annual conference. Paul illuminates how fungi, particularly mushrooms, offer uniquely powerful, practical solutions we can implement now, to boost the biosphere’s immune system and equip us with benign breakthrough mycotechnologies to accelerate the transition to a restored world.
Paul systematically delves into old growth forests, how chemical compounds in the fungi are beneficial to bees and concludes  his philosophy about his role in the system as a whole.

King Stropharia

This mushroom is an ideal player in the recycling of complex wood debris and garden wastes, and thrives in complex environments. Vigorously attacking wood (sawdust, chips, twigs, branches), the King Stropharia also grows in wood-free substrates, particularly soils supplemented with chopped straw. I have seen this mushroom flourish in gardens devoid of wood debris, benefiting the growth of neighboring plants. Acclimated to northern latitudes, this mushroom fruits when air temperatures range between 60-90° F (15-32° C) which usually translates to ground temperatures of 55-65° F (13-18° C).

For 6 weeks one summer our bees attacked a King Stropharia bed, exposing the mycelium to the air, and suckled the sugar-rich cytoplasm from the wounds. A continuous convoy of bees could be traced, from morning to evening, from our beehives to the mushroom patch, until the bed of King Stropharia literally collapsed. When a report of this phenomenon was published in Harrowsmith Magazine (Ingle, 1988), bee keepers across North America  had been long mystified by bees' attraction to sawdust piles. Now it is clear the bees were seeking the underlying sweet mushroom mycelium.
King Stropharia is an excellent edible mushroom when young. 

However, its edibility quickly declines as the mushrooms mature. Fly larvae proliferate inside the developing mushrooms. In raising silver salmon,
There are the medicines to be derived from fungi, probably more than we can yet imagine. Fungi for insect pest control. Fungi can absorb and often digest toxins from their environments — toxins as diverse as heavy metals, PCBs, oil spills, and radioactivity. Fungal partnerships can revolutionize our farming methods


Scientists have found that forestry and classical forest management are harming the community of saproxylic fungi (fungi capable of decomposing dead wood and turning it into organic and inorganic matter) and that in the forests being exploited, various fungi species are disappearing and in some cases even whole families are affected.