Thursday, October 30, 2014

Deforestation in Amazon and Ancient Construction Projects

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 252-365

Large areas of pristine forest in Brazil and Bolivia and was cleared for cattle grazing. 

Hundreds of circles, squares, and other geometric shapes once hidden by forest hint at a previously unknown ancient society that flourished in the Amazon, a new study says. 
Unusual earthworks, which include square, straight, and ring-like ditches, were first uncovered in 1999.
The purpose of the massive earthworks and who created them remains unknown.

The ditches were sculpted from the clay rich soils of the Amazon and are typically around 30 feet wide and 10 feet deep, alongside 3 feet high walls. However, the largest ring ditches found so far are an incredible 1,000 feet in diameter.  The purpose of the ditches remains a complete mystery. 

Many of them are clustered on a 200 metre high plateau suggested they were used for drainage or for channelling water since most were placed near spring water source.

SATELLITE IMAGES of the upper Amazon Basin taken since 1999 have revealed more than 200 geometric earthworks spanning a distance greater than 155 miles (250 kilometers). 

Until recently, it was believed that the earthworks dated back to around 200 AD. However, the latest study has revealed that they are, in fact, much older.

The sediment cores had been taken from two lakes near the major earthwork sites.  These sediment cores hold ancient pollen grains and charcoal from long-ago fires, and can reveal information about the climate and ecosystem that existed when the sediment was laid down as far back as 6,000 years ago. 

The results revealed that the oldest sediments did not come from a rain forest ecosystem at all. Rather, they showed that the landscape, before about 2,000 to 3,000 years ago, looked more like the savannas of Africa than today’s lush rain forest.

The earthworks predate the shift from savanna to rain forest, which reveals that the creators of these ditches carved them before the forest moved in around them. They continued to live in the area as it became forested.

The discovery and dating of the ditches sheds new light on life in the Amazon region thousands of years ago. Previous study have stated that the area could only support small, impermanent village. Instead, it seems likely that the Amazon teemed with complex societies immersed in a rich culture and advanced enough to undertake massive CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS  which would have required a large, co-ordinated labour force.

Here is an hypothesis.

The rain forest was planted and developed by human society intentionally using knowledge of collecting water and using this water to sustain plants trees something that present permaculture is trying to recreate . It is possible that an civilized society existed few thousands years ago on that region?

It is time to stop massive deforestation and start replanting trees and forests.

Lost History Records

The discovery adds to evidence that the hinterlands of the Amazon once teemed with complex societies, which were largely wiped out by diseases brought to South America by European colonists in the 15th and 16th centuries.

The newfound shapes are created by a series of trenches about 36 feet (11 meters) wide and several feet deep, with adjacent banks up to 3 feet (1 meter) tall. Straight roads connect many of the earthworks.

Preliminary excavations at one of the sites in 2008 revealed that some of the earthworks were surrounded by low mounds containing domestic ceramics, charcoal, grinding-stone fragments, and other evidence of habitation.

The new study suggests that the modern forest is a co production between humans and nature. Natural cycles drove the rain forest to sprout, but humans stayed on-site for 1,500 years afterward.
"It's very likely, in fact, that people had some kind of effect on the composition of the forest," "People might favor edible species, growing in orchards and things like that, [or] altered the soils, changing the soil chemistry and composition, which can have a longer-lasting legacy effect."

Causes of Deforestation in Amazon

Direct DRIVERS of deforestation including conversion of forests for pasture, farmland, and plantations, as well as surface mining, dams that inundate forested areas, and intense fires. 
Indirect drivers of deforestation include more subtle factors, like insecure land tenure, corruption, poor law enforcement, infrastructure projects, policies that favor conversion over conservation, and selective logging that create conditions or enable activities that facilitate forest clearing. 


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Jacaranda Tree Medicinal Uses

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 251-365

Jacaranda mimosifolia is a sub-tropical tree native to south-central South America that has been widely planted elsewhere because of its beautiful and long-lasting blue flowers.

Pretoria, the administrative capital of South Africa is popularly and poetically known as Jacaranda City or Jakarandastad in Afrikaans because of the huge number of the trees which turn the city blue when they flower in the spring. The name Jakarandastad is frequently used in Afrikaans songs,

The flowers are up to 5 cm (2.0 in) long, and are grouped in 30 cm (12 in) panicles. They appear in spring and early summer, and last for up to two months. They are followed by woody seed pods, about 5 cm (2.0 in) in diameter, which contain numerous flat, winged seeds. The Blue Jacaranda is cultivated even in areas where it rarely blooms, for the sake of its large compound leaves. 

Other synonyms for the Blue Jacaranda are Jacaranda chelonia and J. ovalifolia. The Blue Jacaranda belongs to the section Monolobos of the genus Jacaranda.

There are almost 50 species of Jacaranda

Medicinal Uses

The leaves are the medicinal parts. They are somewhat coriaceous, from 1 to 2 inches long, entire or nearly so, elliptic, lance-oblong, or oblong; either oblique at base, or subacute at both extremities, smooth, and dark-brown on upper surface, lighter beneath, strongly nerved, and velvety-woolly. The surfaces are beset with oil-glands. Odor slight; taste bitter-astringent.

Water extract of Jacaranda mimosifolia shows higher antimicrobial action against Bacillus cereus and Escherichia coli than gentamicin sulfate does. The extract also acts against Staphylococcus aureus.

Is efficient in treating bacterial infections as well as gonorrhea and syphilis. Since about one-third of the world population is allergic to penicillin--the primary drug used in fighting these venereal diseases as well as other infections--it is beneficial to have the option offered by the jacaranda Mimosifolia.

The method of using jacarandas varies; some experts use essential oils derived from the leaves, others from bark, seeds (aka fruits, but they really look like a cross between a tiny turtle shell and a nut) or flowers. Others use, instead, a water extract of any of these same parts, either by use internally or externally.

It  is used both locally and internally in syphilitic ulcerations.

Fluid extract of jacaranda is given in doses of from 15 to 30 minims, 4 times a day, carobin, in 1-grain doses. For local use, Rx Jacaranda leaves (powdered)

Used also for Mental enfeeblement, voracious appetite, and epilepsy.

Having antiseptic and antibiotic qualities, Jacaranda gives out some secret natural medical gifts, too. The tree is used to treat hepatitis and in folk tradition the flowers, leaves and bark are used to ease neuralgia and varicose veins. It is scientifically proven that Jacaranda has qualities that treat leukemia. Hot Jacaranda leaf baths treat wounds and skin infections and the tree also helps in the treatment of acne.

The leaves contain carobin (0.16 per cent), a crystallizable, faintly bitterish, inodorous principle, soluble in boiling water and alcohol, insoluble in ether, precipitated from aqueous solution by tartar emetic; with acetic acid it yields a crystallizable compound. Carobic acid (0.05 per cent) crystallizes in needles of aromatic odor and acid taste; is soluble in water and diluted alcohol; steocarobic acid (0.10 per cent), pale-brown, of a tonka-like odor, soluble in cold absolute alcohol and ether; carobone (2.66 per cent), a balsamic, resinous acid, greenish, soluble in alcohol (sp. gr., 0.815) and caustic alkalies; caroba resin (3.33 per cent), inodorous and tasteless; caroba balsam (1.44 per cent), dark brown, syrupy, of tonka-like odor; caroba tannin (0.44 per cent), and a bitter principle (2.88 per cent); albumen, starch, etc. The bark contains carobin (0.3 per cent), caroba resin (0.5 per cent), the bitter principle (0.28 per cent), and in addition carobaretic acid (0.2 per cent), devoid of odor. According to Hesse (1880), no alkaloid is present.


Trees tolerate a wide variety of soils, but are shallow rooted therefore young plants should be staked and watered until roots are established. Occasional pruning and deep watering is recommended, once the hardy plants are established. The plant, although considered subtropical, is surprisingly hardy to at least light frosts.

Yellow jacaranda, Rosewood, Tipu tree, Pride of Bolivia - hardy, evergreen fast growing tree with bright yellow-orange flowers. Best choice for those who need a large tree in no time. Tolerates some freeze, one of the hardiest of all tropical trees.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Legume Tree Acacia Koa Medicinal Uses

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 250-365

Acacia koa is Hawaii's most valued native tree. The highest populations are on HawaiÊ»iMaui and OÊ»ahu. Its name in the Hawaiian languagekoa, also means brave, bold, fearless, or warrior.

Koa is a large tree, typically attaining a height of 15–25 m (49–82 ft) and a spread of 6–12 m (20–39 ft). In deep volcanic ash, a koa tree can reach a height of 30 m (98 ft), a circumference of 6 m (20 ft), and a spread of 38 m (125 ft).

Initially, bipinnately compound leaves with 12–24 pairs of leaflets grow on the koa plant, much like other members of the pea family. At about 6–9 months of age, however, thick sickle-shaped "leaves" that are not compound begin to grow. These are phyllodes, blades that develop as an expansion of the leaf petiole. The vertically flattened orientation of the phyllodes allows sunlight to pass to lower levels of the tree. True leaves are entirely replaced by 7–25 cm (2.8–9.8 in) long, 0.5–2.5 cm (0.20–0.98 in) wide phyllodes on an adult tree.


Koa are fast growing trees at 5 feet per year for the first five years, and can reach impressive heights in several decades in upper elevation landscapes. 
Is good for erosion control.

It can survive cooler temperatures and the occasional frost.

Koa is a large evergreen broadleaf tree (it can reach 35 m, but more commonly reaches 20-25 m in height, and some populations are much smaller, with a shrub-like form), which can grow in pure stands, but usually is found in mesic forest. Koa is found on all volcanic soil types of all geologic ages.

 It grows well in moderately to well-drained, medium to very strongly acid soils on both flatland and steep slopes.

 Occurs in a variety of habitats, has a large elevation range and is often a dominant plant in dry to wet forests at elevations ranging from 60 to 2,300 m (Wagner et al. 1990). Morphological differences in koa have been observed on several islands. Seeds are contained within a pod 15–20 cm long, containing 6–12 seeds. The species is a fast-growing tree.

Nitrogen Fixation

Growth is in virtue of symbiosis with special bacteria called rhizobia that live associated with the roots. The bacteria convert, or fix, nitrogen from the air into usable nitrogen fertilizer for plants. The leaves, flowers and branches also provide nitrogen for understory and plants in the area. Koa inoculated with rhizobia tend to be more vigorous trees.


The bark may be ground into a powder and saturated into water to create a tea, or may be spread onto various foods as a spice and taste enhancer. The wood has a density of about 0.75 g/cm³

Medicinal Uses

To induce sleep during fever or when the patient was sick long in bed, young koa leaves that had been pounded and crushed were spread to completely cover a sleeping pallet made of mats piled one upon another. This caused the patient to perspire, and he or she was able to fall asleep. 

Upon waking, the patient was given a drink of fresh spring water or perhaps a tea such as one made from ko'oko'olau leaves. One 'opihi shell full of ashes obtained by burning koa and one 'opihi shell full of ashes obtained from burning the dried flesh of a mature niu were mixed with the milky sap of four green kukui nut fruits and well blended. 

This material was smeared on the lesions in the child's mouth twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. This medicine was used primarily for children from six months to one year of age.