Monday, October 27, 2014

Legume Tree Acacia Koa Medicinal Uses

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 250-365

Acacia koa is Hawaii's most valued native tree. The highest populations are on HawaiʻiMaui and Oʻahu. Its name in the Hawaiian languagekoa, also means brave, bold, fearless, or warrior.

Koa is a large tree, typically attaining a height of 15–25 m (49–82 ft) and a spread of 6–12 m (20–39 ft). In deep volcanic ash, a koa tree can reach a height of 30 m (98 ft), a circumference of 6 m (20 ft), and a spread of 38 m (125 ft).

Initially, bipinnately compound leaves with 12–24 pairs of leaflets grow on the koa plant, much like other members of the pea family. At about 6–9 months of age, however, thick sickle-shaped "leaves" that are not compound begin to grow. These are phyllodes, blades that develop as an expansion of the leaf petiole. The vertically flattened orientation of the phyllodes allows sunlight to pass to lower levels of the tree. True leaves are entirely replaced by 7–25 cm (2.8–9.8 in) long, 0.5–2.5 cm (0.20–0.98 in) wide phyllodes on an adult tree.


Koa are fast growing trees at 5 feet per year for the first five years, and can reach impressive heights in several decades in upper elevation landscapes. 
Is good for erosion control.

It can survive cooler temperatures and the occasional frost.

Koa is a large evergreen broadleaf tree (it can reach 35 m, but more commonly reaches 20-25 m in height, and some populations are much smaller, with a shrub-like form), which can grow in pure stands, but usually is found in mesic forest. Koa is found on all volcanic soil types of all geologic ages.

 It grows well in moderately to well-drained, medium to very strongly acid soils on both flatland and steep slopes.

 Occurs in a variety of habitats, has a large elevation range and is often a dominant plant in dry to wet forests at elevations ranging from 60 to 2,300 m (Wagner et al. 1990). Morphological differences in koa have been observed on several islands. Seeds are contained within a pod 15–20 cm long, containing 6–12 seeds. The species is a fast-growing tree.

Nitrogen Fixation

Growth is in virtue of symbiosis with special bacteria called rhizobia that live associated with the roots. The bacteria convert, or fix, nitrogen from the air into usable nitrogen fertilizer for plants. The leaves, flowers and branches also provide nitrogen for understory and plants in the area. Koa inoculated with rhizobia tend to be more vigorous trees.


The bark may be ground into a powder and saturated into water to create a tea, or may be spread onto various foods as a spice and taste enhancer. The wood has a density of about 0.75 g/cm³

Medicinal Uses

To induce sleep during fever or when the patient was sick long in bed, young koa leaves that had been pounded and crushed were spread to completely cover a sleeping pallet made of mats piled one upon another. This caused the patient to perspire, and he or she was able to fall asleep. 

Upon waking, the patient was given a drink of fresh spring water or perhaps a tea such as one made from ko'oko'olau leaves. One 'opihi shell full of ashes obtained by burning koa and one 'opihi shell full of ashes obtained from burning the dried flesh of a mature niu were mixed with the milky sap of four green kukui nut fruits and well blended. 

This material was smeared on the lesions in the child's mouth twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. This medicine was used primarily for children from six months to one year of age.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Temperate Legume Trees Robinia Pseudoacacia Medicinal Uses

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 249-365

Common name: Black Locust
Latin name: Robinia pseudoacacia

Very few nitrogen fixing trees are temperate, and very few of these are legumes. The genus Robinia, with four species native to temperate regions of North America, is noteworthy for an ability to tolerate severe frosts.

Robinia pseudoacacia L., or black locust (family Leguminosae, subfamily Papilionoideae), is among the few leguminous NFTs adapted to frost-prone areas. It is also adaptable to environmental extremes such as drought, air pollutants, and high light intensities (Hanover 1989). Rapid growth, dense wood, and N fixing ability make it ideal for colonizing degraded sites.
Robinia pseudoacacia will tolerate almost any soil conditions; it will be happy in acid, neutral or alkaline pH levels, in loam, sand, clay or chalk and facing any aspect so long as it is given a sheltered location.


Black locust is a medium-sized tree reaching 1535 m in height and 0.3-1.0 m in diameter. Long (2045 cm) pinnate leaves consist of 5-33 small, oval, alternate leaflets. Sharp spines are found at the nodes of young branches but are rare on mature wood. 

The smooth bark becomes reddishbrown and deeply furrowed with age. White to pink, fragrant flowers in 10-25 cm long, hanging racemes appear in early summer soon after the leaves. The closed flowers require bees to force petals open for cross-pollination. 

The small pods contain 4-8 hard-coated seeds which can persist in the soil for many years. Seed crops occur every 1-2 years beginning at age 3; pods open on the tree in winter and early spring. 

Propagation Reforestation

They can be propagated, with difficulty, from hardwood cuttings (15-30 cm long and 1-2 cm diameter) collected in winter or early spring.  The tree responds well to tissue culture and has been mass propagated by this method. In nursery culture black locust is either direct seeded or root sections (5-8 cm long) planted. 

The species has one of the highest net photosynthetic rates among woody plants. Black locust grows rapidly, especially when young. Trees can reach 3 m tall in one growing season and average 0.5-1.5 m height and 0.2-2 cm diameter growth per year. Trees attained 12 m ht in 10 yrs and 20 m ht in 25 yrs in Kashmir (Singh 1982), and 26 m ht and 27 cm diameter in 40 yrs


Bees harvest Robinia nectar to produce a honey regarded as one of the world's finest. Tree improvement specifically for late flowering and high nectar sugar content is ongoing in Hungary and the US.

The tree is used extensively to rehabilitate surface mine tailings in the US. In Hungary. A dense growth habit makes black locust suitable for windbreaks, a use most common in China. 

Black locust may even prove useful for alley cropping in temperate climates. Researchers at the Rodale Research Center in Pennsylvania are experimenting with intercropping black locust with vegetables.

 Numerous reports indicate the beneficial effect of this NFT to associated plants through improved soil fertility. Mixed plantings of black locust and conifers, however, can lead to reduced growth or death of the slower growing conifers because of shading and over-topping.

Medicinal use

  • Dried leaves are helpful in treatment of wounds caused by burns. 
  • It acts as a pain reliever. 
  • Used internally, it calms stomach burns, 
  • and is usually recommended to individuals who suffer from hyperacid gastritis and 
  • distensions.
  • It is helpful in easing digestion. 
  • As a good emollient and expectorant, 
  • Black Locust is excellent in treatments of asthma and bronchitis. 
  • Black Locust has a sedating and calming effect, and 
  • could be very useful in cases of headaches and 
  • stress. 
  • Infusion added to baths can help young children who suffer from insomnia. 
  • Flower powder is used in cases of gastritis, duodenal and gastric ulcer.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Sweet Gum Liquidambar styraciflua Trees Medicinal Uses

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 248-365

Have you planted a tree today?
What about this year?
What about last 10 years.
What about in your life?

Here is an ideea. Plant Liquidambar styraciflua.

 Liquidambar native to warm temperate areas of eastern North America and tropical montane regions of Mexico and Central America. Sweet gum is one of the main valuable forest trees in the southeastern United States, and is a popular ornamental tree intemperate climates. It is recognizable by the combination of its five-pointed star-shaped leaves and its hard, spiked fruits.

This plant's genus name Liquidambar was first given by Linnaeus in 1753 from [the Latinliquidus, fluid, and the Arabic ambar, amber, in allusion to the fragrant terebinthine juice or gum which exudes from the tree. Its specific epithet styraciflua is an old generic name meaning flowing with styrax (a plant resin)

The earliest known published record of Liquidambar styraciflua is in a work by Spanish naturalist Francisco Hernández published posthumously in 1651, in which he describes the species as a large tree producing a fragrant gum resembling liquid amber, whence the genus name Liquidambar. In Ray's Historia Plantarum (1686) it is called Styrax liquida.

Medicinal Uses

The common name for the sweetgum tree's medicinal product is liquid-amber.

When made into a balsam or salve, it is used for 

  • skin conditions, 
  • hemorroids, 
  • ringworm scabies and 
  • frostbite. 
  • Sweetgum salves have a minor antiseptic value, 
  • but work well as an anti-inflammatory. 
  • Taken internally, liquid-amber has stimulant and expectorant effects. 
  • It is also used internally for sore throats, 
  • coughs, 
  • colds, 
  • asthma, 
  • bronchitis, 
  • cystitis, 
  • vaginal discharge,
  • strokes, and is it indicated to 
  • have an effect on some cancers.