Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Extreme Reforestation

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 224 -365


Everything start with a person. In Mexico was  Sergio De Lara.
While living in Mexico’s third-largest city, Monterrey, Sergio De Lara noticed a distinct lack of urban forestry, most pointedly during the city’s 50-degree summers.

What began as a small grass-roots collective digging up previously-sealed sidewalk planters grew to a corporate-sponsored non-profit NGO (going by the name Reforestación Extrema) complete with volunteer teams re-foresting parks and city streets all over.

The city was lacking 8000 trees. The organization planned to plant every week end trees.


In the Andean region of Peru, families rely solely on agriculture for food security and income generation. However, climate-related impacts such as irregular rains, hailstorms, frosts and extremes of temperatures, have made growing crops and breeding animals increasingly difficult.

Lack of knowledge of sustainable land management has led to overgrazing the destruction of native forest vegetation on the Andean mountain slopes, and further diminished livelihoods. These factors combined have resulted in extreme poverty and malnutrition.

Project location

The project will take place in six communities in the district of Yanaoca – Kasani, Pongoña, Jilayhua, Ccolliry, Hanccoyo and Hampatura – near Cusco in the Southern Andes region of Peru.

The project aims to plant around 1.2 million trees across 1,000 hectares of degraded grazing lands to mitigate environmental degradation, increase household incomes, and to sequester carbon into the landscape. This will be achieved through the establishment of nurseries in each of the participating communities, producing a range of trees including exotic pines for timber production, native species to establish conservation areas and increase biodiversity, and fruit trees to help combat malnutrition and increase family incomes


Deforestation is frequently listed as one of the more serious threats facing human kind today. Between 100,000 and 200,000 square kilometers of forest area are lost annually, contributing to the extinction of at least 17,500 species each year. Furthermore, it is estimated that deforestation is responsible for almost 30% of total global carbon dioxide emissions (1). West Africa is experiencing some of the highest numbers of forest loss. In all, Africa loses nearly 10 million acres of forest each year (1), contributing to desertification and changes in rainfall patterns.


The causes of deforestation differ from country to country and involve social and economic factors. Trees are cut and land cleared to make way for agriculture and cattle. Rising populations within and near forested area have increased the pressure on the forests for building supplies, fuel, paper products, and land to grow food. In West Africa, and Togo specifically, much deforestation is the result of wood gathering and charcoal production for cooking. 

While it is difficult for individual organizations to halt large scale logging and mining without governmental or international programs, Alaffia organization believe there are options for smaller scale programs. First, providing alternative fuel options for individuals and families can stop a large part of deforestation caused by firewood and charcoal production.

Each year since 2006, Alaffia organization donated 1,000 fruit and forages trees to farmers in central Togo. Fruit and forage trees planted in and around farmer's fields have several impacts, including reducing soil erosion, improving soil quality, providing food, fuel, and habitat.

Here another story

In the early 1970s, Dave and Grace Deppner served as volunteers in the Philippines, where they witnessed the human tragedy brought on by illegal logging and unsustainable land management systems. Working with community leaders in nearby villages, the Deppners found a way to offer hope. They revitalized degraded lands by providing farmers with tree seed, technical training, and on-site planning assistance. People responded enthusiastically,  joining in to save their homes and way of life.

After returning from their overseas assignments they continued what they had started, communicating by mail with rural community leaders, providing information, seeds, and training materials. After many years of informal operations, Trees for the Future (‘TREES’) was incorporated as a 501 (c) (3) public charity in Maryland on August 14, 1989. Over the years TREES has assisted thousands of communities in planting millions of trees in 19 countries including Ghana, which have restored life to land that was previously degraded or abandoned.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Permaculture In Cambodia

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 223-365


A consortium of NGOs including Lom Orng and Ockenden is doing a post-flood livelihood and infrastructure regeneration project, in the country's northwest, which includes permaculture principles, and the establishment of a permaculture demonstration farm in Battambang Province which serves as a community farm and education site and includes a native tree nursery and biogas system providing clean cooking fuel and lighting.

All the food is sold to locals who come to the farm, Veung said, or is given away to the monks at nearby temples, who are particularly fond of ripe papaya

The banana corms are planted in recessed holes to allow for water collection.
The dragon-fruit-bearing pitaya cacti are propped up on wooden poles capped off with a bicycle tire. Every productive tree is extremely well mulched.

There are a number of citrus fruits on site, many of them grafted onto hardy rootstocks, a compress of soil is used to keep the grafting wound from being attacked by insects. 

Permaculture in Nepal

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 222-365


The Himalayan Permaculture Centre (HPC) is a grass roots non-government organisation (NGO) set up by trained and motivated farmers from Surkhet district (Mid-Western Nepal) in 2010 to implement sustainable rural development programs in Nepal.

Before Permaculture

Farmers from the hills began moving to Chitwan Valley in the 1950s when the government sprayed DDT to eliminate mosquitoes.  The population as well as road, towns, houses grew rapidly.  Except for Chitwan National Park and a few other reserves, the native forests and grasslands mostly disappeared.  Small farms proliferated.

By 1993, agriculture in Chitwan as in much of the world, faced a crisis.  Taking advantage of flat land and irrigation, farmers made Chitwan a breadbasket of Nepal.  But like farmers participating in “green revolutions” throughout the world, they gained their high yields through chemical fertilizers, pesticides, mechanization, hybrid seeds, and borrowed money.

Over time, farmers fell into debt, grew only a narrow range of grain crops, and increasingly relied on income from wages and salaries.  Ironically, many grew grain to sell but had insufficient food for their own families.  And like the farmers, the soil lost its self-sufficiency and became more and more dependent on expensive fertilizers.  Young people left in droves to work in low wage jobs in cities or overseas.

Observing these problems and and wanting to help find practical solutions, Dr. Pramod Parajuli and Dr. Elizabeth Enslin gained the support of the MacArthur Foundation in 1993-94 to carry out a research and action project on agroecology in Chitwan.  Anil Bhattarai joined them as a research assistant.


  • Meet the basic needs of a peasant family for food, fiber, fodder, firewood, health, happiness, and renewable energy.
  • Nurture and regenerate ancient practices of dharma and hospitality.
  • Model our experiment on fairly small scale, so that peasant families with similar landholdings of 2-5 acres could learn from it.
  • Make our farm a place for teaching, sharing, and learning from others.


  • Bio-intensive agriculture modeled by John Jeavons in Willits, California.
  • Permaculture and whole systems design.
  • The farming traditions of the Himalyan foothills still practiced by elders, such as Pramod and Udaya’s mother, Parvati Parajuli.
  • The farming traditions of Tharus, Kumhals and Botes indigenous to Chitwan.


They spent the first year double-digging beds, making compost and planting trees.  Their garden flourished and inspired a new generation of farmers, gardeners and food and agricultural educators.