Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Trees and Ligtings

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 208-365

Trees have an immune system like humans do.
When a tree health is affected the immune system is weak.

A tree can charge his electrical potential during the storm, so it can avoid being struck by lighting.
When the immune system is weak the ability to change the charge is diminished.

So mostly the weak trees are strike by lighting.

Immune system of the trees are affected in a negative way by the chemicals we spray the trees.

Having healthy tree around the house actually help avoiding the lightings.
Trees communicate between then. trough root systems and air.
Trees are affected by the attack we have on other trees.

So when large areas of trees are cut or destroyed other trees are affected.

Trees can predict the storms with measurable electrical techniques that we have at this point.

When Hydro 1 use chemicals to deforest large areas for the purpose of maintaining electrical wires between cities all trees around are affected and the immune systems of the trees in that region is affected.

A secondary effect in the allergic reactions that people have in the proximity of those areas that are sprayed.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tree Planting Records

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 207-365

World Record
  • World record for planting trees by an individual: 15,170 in one day, by Canadian planter Ken Chaplin.
  • World record for planting trees by a group: 541,176 mangrove seedlings by three hundred Pakistani villagers–all were volunteers.
  • Biggest tree planting project in the world: The Great Green Wall, China.
  • Maximum number of seeds contained in one square metre of old-growth forest soil: 1,000.
  • Tallest Douglas-fir tree in the world: The Red Creek Tree, Vancouver Island, 242 feet tall. 
  • Average number of trees planted in a day by a professional tree planter: 1,600.
    Average distance walked: 16 kilometers. 

Camarines Sur province  Philippines planted the largest number of trees simultaneously in one hour 64,096 demolishing the previous record of India at 50,033 trees.

Tree-planting activity for the Guinness Book of World Records was part of the El Verde" tree planting program of the province of Camarines Sur that aims to plant 12 million trees from 2011 to 2012.

Australian forests have been heavily affected since European colonisation, and some attempts have been made to restore native habitats, both by government and individuals. Greening Australia is a national Non profit set up to run the "National Tree Program" initiated by the Federal Government in 1982. Greening Australia completed the 1 Billion Tree target and has gone on to become one of the major tree planting organisations in the country.

National Tree Day is organised annually by Planet Ark in the last week in July, encouraging the public to plant 1 million native trees per year. Many state governments run their own "Million Tree" programs each year to encourage community involvement

The average British Columbian planter plants 1 600 trees per day, but it is not uncommon for veterans to plant up to 4,000 trees per day while working in the interior. These numbers are higher in central and eastern Canada, where the terrain is generally faster, however the price per tree is slightly lower as a result. Average daily totals of 2500 are common, with experienced planters planting upwards of 5000 trees a day. Numbers as high as 7500 a day have been recorded.

Tree-planting has become a way of living for Chinese people today with millions of citizens involved as volunteers making the country greener.

Trees planted in the spring are a bit of a tradition, marking the beginning of children's schooling, one's enrollment of colleague in army service, or for a wedding or as birthday commemoration.

"Each spring -- citizens have a duty to plant trees -- there will be dozens of places open to the public for tree planting in urban areas, particularly in metropolitan areas like Beijing and Shanghai,"

In 2013, nearly 560 million people planted more than 2.5 billion trees throughout China. The accumulated efforts of volunteers reached 8.8 billion with more than 42 billion trees planted during the 1982-2003 period, NAC's statistics indicate.

To date, the area with human-planted trees across China has exceeded 46 million hectares, ranking it first in the world.

Better than that, the country's goal of afforestation on every waste-fill hill suitable for tree-planting has come true in a dozen provinces or a quarter of the total.


Pakistan may now hold the Guinness World Record for most trees planted in a single day by a single person .


India can now claim the record for most trees planted in under an hour. The event took place on land owned by the famous Hemis Buddhist monastery in the region of Ladakh and was sponsored by the Live to Love Foundation, of the Drukpa lineage.

Volunteers in Dungarpur, India attempted

to plant 600,000 trees in 24 hours:The volunteers planted mango, neem, teak, and jatropha. Once planted the trees will be adopted by local people -- and supervised by the Indian Forestry Service -- to ensure that they are water and properly cared for.


In Peru , where 27,166 saplings were planted by 8,000 people in an hour.

What was Planted ? The Willows

The willows can help stop soil erosion and stabilize the soil, in addition to helping stop mudslides during cloudbursts.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Medicinal Trees Kola (Cola nitada, C. acuminata)

By Liliana Usvat
Blog 206-365

Have you planted a tree in your life?
What about this year?
Have you considered a fruit tree in your vicinity, or in your back yard?

Do you get a lift from a carbonated soda? The large kola trees of tropical West Africa, the West Indies, and South America are responsible. Their dried seeds, which contain much caffeine, provide the stimulant in some medicines. But they also provide an energizing ingredient in many soft drinks.

Kola nut is a caffeine-containing nut of evergreen trees of the genus Cola, primarily the species Cola acuminata and Cola nitida.

Medicinal Uses

  • Chewing kola nut can ease hunger pangs. Kola nuts are often used to treat whooping cough and asthma.
  • The caffeine present acts as a bronchodilator, expanding the bronchial air passages.
  • Phosphorus: A study on the mineral content of kola nut (Cola nitida) suggested that Cola nitida has a high content of phosphorus (411.43mg/kg); theoretically, concurrent use may increase levels of phosphorus in the blood. 
  • : , kola nut may interact with monoamine oxidase inhibitors
  • Dietarypotassium: A study on the mineral content of kola nut (Cola nitida) suggested that Cola nitida has a high content of potassium (3,484.67mg/kg) (22); theoretically, concurrent use may increase levels of potassium in the blood.
  • Sedatives- kola nut may cause insomnia, anxiety, and nervousness. Preliminary research reported prolonged sleep latencies and suppression of REM and stages 3 and 4 sleep
  • Ma huang- a combination of ma huang and kola nut may have additive weight loss effects 
  • Hormonal agents : Animal research has demonstrated that stem bark from Cola nitida decreased gonadotropin release, both luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), causing ovulation . Another animal study on the pituitary cells of rats demonstrated that Cola nitida inhibited LH release and had no effect on either FSH or rat pituitary cells. According to animal evidence, Cola nitida may compete with natural estrogen and/or progesterone by binding to steroid receptors   
  • Antineoplastics: Kola nut has been shown to contain phytoestrogenic compounds that may dose-dependently exert cytotoxic effects against breast cancer cells in vitro


The use of the kola nut, like the coffee berry and tea leaf, appears to have ancient origins. It is chewed in many West African cultures, individually or in a social setting, to restore vitality and ease hunger pains. Kola nuts are an important part of the traditional spiritual practice of culture and religion in West Africa, particularly Nigeria.

 Kola nuts are used as a religious object and sacred offering during prayers, ancestor veneration, and significant life events, such as naming ceremonies, weddings, and funerals. They are also used in a traditional divination system called Obi divination. For this use, only kola nuts divided into four lobes are suitable.
They are cast upon a special wooden board and the resulting patterns are read by a trained diviner. This ancient practice is currently enjoying increased growth within the United States and Caribbean.

In the 1800s, a pharmacist in Georgia, John Pemberton, took extracts of kola and coca and mixed them with sugar, other ingredients, and carbonated water to invent the first cola soft drink. His accountant tasted it and called it "Coca-Cola". Cocaine (not the other extracts from the Peruvian coca leaf) was prohibited from soft drinks in the U.S. after 1904, and Coca-Cola no longer uses kola nor cocaine in its original recipe.


Kola nut consumption was compared to alcohol consumption for its potential neural effects.
Cola acuminata and Cola nitida and crude extract of kola nut may stimulate gastric acid secretion