Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Planting Forests and Permaculture on the Mountains


The idea of forest gardens (food forests) was first articulated by Robert A. de J. Hart in his book “Forest Gardening” and subsequently became one of the key concepts in permaculture. A permaculture forest garden mimics the architecture and beneficial relationships of a natural plant/animal community that occurs in that climate. Food forests are not “natural”, but are designed and managed ecosystems that are very rich in biodiversity and productivity.

Forest gardening is a low-maintenance sustainable plant-based food production
Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute is operated by Jerome Osentowski at 7200' elevation in Basalt Colorado, in a ... Over decades, Jerome has developed a productive forest garden.

Campus lawn becomes permaculture food forest a campus lawn into a food forest, and they've been growing food for ... The Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute has been pioneering permaculture for decades.

A Permaculture Approach to Home Gardening Above 6,500 Feet in Arizona, New ... The original "bible" on forest gardening republished for a new generation. 

Goals that are universal, and that are specific:
  • to produce food for our co-housing community members
  • to produce forage and serve as habitat for beneficial insects, pollinators, chickens, goats and song birds
  • to create wildlife habitat
  • to provide nourishment for our bodies through herbal teas and concoctions
  • to create beauty and sense of well being
  • to create shade and increase ambient humidity in hot dry climate

Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa) used for colics rheumatoid arthritis, gallstones and menstrual cramps

 By Liliana Usvat
Blog 167-365

Wild yam is a perennial vine. The roots and rootstock, or rhizomes, are used in herbal remedies.

These plants are twining, tuberous vines that creep along the ground or occasionally climb trees and other structures. The woody rootstock, or tubers, is pale brown, knotty, and cylindrical in shape.  Stems are reddish-brown and can grow to over 30 feet in length.  
So preserving the forest wine like wild yam are preserved and we can benefits for their existence and medicinal uses.

They have broad, alternate, heart- or arrow-shaped leaves that are spirally arranged on long stems. The leaves are deep veined (may give the leaves a puckered look) with veins beginning at the base (where the stem meets) and running towards the tip.  
Flowers grow in clusters and are small, greenish-white or greenish-yellow with six petals.  The fruit is a capsule in most species but can be a soft berry in some species.  Their rootstock may be very large and weigh many kilograms.
Other common names: wild Mexican yam, colic root, rheumatism root, Chinese yam, shan yao
Scientific/medical names: Dioscorea villosa, Dioscorea oppositifolia or Dioscorea opposita, Dioscorea batatas

The roots and rootstock, or rhizomes, of both types of yam are used in herbal remedies. These plants are different from the yams and sweet potatoes commonly eaten in North America.


Wild yam is a plant native to North America, Mexico and Asia.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, wild yam (Dioscorea villosa ) was used by herbalists to treat menstrual cramps and problems related to childbirth, as well as for stomach upset and coughs. 
 Medicinal Uses
The part used medicinally is the root. The active compound is believed to be diosgenin.
Wild yam has been used for menstrual cramps and discomfort rheumatoid arthritis,  pain from gallstones ailments.
Women in Mexico, for ages, ate the tuber of the Wild Yam as a birth control method. Scientific research has found that the tuber of Dioscorea does contain steroids. These same steroids were then synthetically developed and are used in the manufacturing of birth control pills.

In the 1950s, scientists discovered that the roots of wild yam (not to be confused with the sweet potato yam) contain diosgenin, a phyto (derived from plants) estrogen that can be chemically converted into progesterone, a hormone. Diosgenin was used to make the first birth control pills in the 1960s.
Although wild yam continues to be used for treating menstrual cramps, nausea, and morning sickness associated with pregnancy, inflammation, osteoporosis, menopausal symptoms, and other health conditions, there is no evidence that it works. Indeed, several studies have found that it has no effect at all. That is because the body cannot change diosgenin into progesterone; it has to be done in a lab. Wild yam, by itself, does not contain progesterone.
Early Americans used wild yam to treat colic; another name for the plant is colic root. Traditionally, it has been used to treat inflammation, muscle spasms, and a range of disorders, including asthma.
Wild yam is often touted as a natural source of estrogen
Dioscorea villosa are claimed to contain human hormones and promoted as a medicine for a variety of purposes, including cancer prevention and the treatment of Chron's disease and whooping cough
 How to use it
The following are recommended adult doses for wild yam:
  • Dried herb to make tea: 1 - 2 tsp dried root to 1 cup water. Pour boiling water over dried root, steep 3 - 5 minutes. Drink three times a day
  • Tincture: 40 - 120 drops, three times a day
  • Fluid extract: 10 - 40 drops, three to four times per day
  • Creams: Contain 12% of wild yam extract; use as directed
Note: Wild yam is often combined with other herbs said to have estrogen-like effects, such as black cohosh. Creams containing wild yam, as well as tablets and powders, may contain synthetic hormones. Check the ingredients carefully.

What is the history behind it?

In East Indian traditional medicine, the wild yam is used to treat sexual and hormonal problems. Chinese herbalists have long used the herb for rheumatism, asthma, and digestive and urinary complaints. Wild yam has also been used in American folk medicine to treat coughs and to induce sweating and vomiting. Some sources suggest that Native Americans and early settlers used it for its ability to relieve intestinal spasms, which is how it got the name colic root.
In the 1960s, progesterone and other steroid hormones were chemically manufactured, in part using ingredients from the Mexican wild yam. This may be the reason for the misconception that the progesterone “precursors” in wild yam could be converted into progesterone in the body.
Where to Find

True yams are restricted to tropical regions where they are an important food crop. Look for yams in fields, clearings, and abandoned gardens. They are found in rain forests, semi-evergreen seasonal forests, and scrub and thorn forests in the tropics. In warm temperate areas, they are found in seasonal hardwood or mixed hardwood-coniferous forests, as well as some mountainous areas.

Edible Parts:

Most yams are toxic if eaten fresh.  Boil the rootstock and eat it as a vegetable.

Yam is the common name for some plant species in the genus Dioscorea (family Dioscoreaceae) that form edible tubers. These are perennial herbaceous vines cultivated for the consumption of their starchy tubers in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and Oceania. There are many cultivars of yam. Although some varieties of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) are also called yam in parts of the United States and Canada, it is not part of the family Dioscoreaceae; rather it is in the morning glory family Convolvulaceae.

The true yam is a versatile vegetable. It can be barbecued, roasted, fried, grilled, boiled, baked, smoked and when grated it is processed into a dessert recipe. Yams are the staple crop of the Igbo people of Nigeria, in their language it is known as ji, and they commemorate it by having yam festivals known as Iri-ji or Iwa-Ji depending on the dialect.

Yams are a primary agricultural and culturally important commodity in West Africa, where over 95 percent of the world's yam crop is harvested. Yams are still important for survival in these regions. Some varieties of these tubers can be stored up to six months without refrigeration, which makes them a valuable resource for the yearly period of food scarcity at the beginning of the wet season. Yam cultivars are also cropped in other humid tropical countries.
Yam tubers can grow up to 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) in lengthan weigh u  to 70 kilograms (154 lb) and 3 to 6 inches high.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Aloe used for wound healing acceleration and for treatment of insect stings


Native to Africa, aloe vera is commonly cultivated elsewhere. The clear gel found inside the plant's leaf and the crystalline part found alongside the leaf blade, which contains aloin, are both used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.
The clear gel is a remarkably effective healer of wounds and burns, speeding up the rate of healing and reducing the risk of infection. The brownish part containing aloin is a strong laxative, useful for short-term constipation. Aloe is present in many cosmetic's formulae because its emollient and scar preventing properties.
Research Results: Aloe Vera juice and extracts have been found effective for a variety of conditions. These include wound healing acceleration in humans, antiviral activities for herpes simplex 1 & 2, treatment of water burns and anesthetic activity for treatment of insect stings in humans.