This small ground herb has many common names. It is known in Belize as the Sensitive Plant, Humble Plant, or Sleeping Grass. It closes up and droops down when touched, which indicates one of its properties - to induce sleep. Traditionally, leaves have been placed under one's pillow for treatment of insomnia. A tea made from its leaves and branches is used as a relaxant, pain reliever and to induce sleep. The leaves can also be applied, once mashed, to aching teeth.
This small ground herb has many common names. It is known in Belize as the Sensitive Plant, Humble Plant, or Sleeping Grass. It closes up and droops down when touched, which indicates one of its properties - to induce sleep. Traditionally, leaves have been placed under one's pillow for treatment of insomnia. A tea made from its leaves and branches is used as a relaxant, pain reliever and to induce sleep. The leaves can also be applied, once mashed, to aching teeth.