- Place each element plant animal or structure so it serves two or more functions
- Every important function water collection fire protection is served in two or more ways.
- Elements are places according to intensity of use or zones, control of external energies sectors and efficiency of energy flow.
- Using biological resources is a long term investment and is a key strategy for recycling energy and developing sustainable systems.
- Photovoltaic cells solar water heaters plastic pipes have used non renewable resources in their manufacture, and we can use this effectively to produce our own energy on site.
- Dill fennel daisies and marigold placed around the garden beds and in the orchard attract predator insects insects which feed on parasite pests.
- Ponds in the garden attract insect eating frogs.
- Thorny shrubs provide habitat for insectivorous birds.
- A community supported by a diverse permaculture is independent of the distribution trade and assured of a variety diet, providing all nutritional requirements while not sacrificing quality or destroying the land that feed it.
- Permaculture systems seek to stop the flow of nutrient energy off the site and instead turn them into cycles, so that for instance kitchen wastes are recycled to compost, animal manure are directed to bio gas production or to the soil, household grey-water flows to the garden, green manure are turned into the earth, leaves are raked up around trees as mulch.
- At regional scale, sewage is treated to produce fertilizer to be used on farmland in the district.
- Good design uses incoming natural energies with those generated on site to ensure a complete energy cycle.
- The goal of permaculture is not only to recycle and therefore increase energy but also to
- Cath store and use everything before it has degraded to its lowest energy sun water wind manures at its highest possible use then its next highest and so on.
"Protect Existing Forests and Plant New Ones on the Unused Lands and deforested Mountains. Regenerate and Fix the Soil. Reverse Desertification. Leave a greener planet to future generations.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Permaculture Energy Conserving Rules
Friday, June 28, 2019
Forests and Trees- Book for Sale
"Forests and Trees
Forests and Medicinal Trees Series Book 1 " By Liliana Usvat
ISBN 978-0-9812141-5-3
E-Book $12 CAD
ISBN 978-0-9812141-4-6
Print Book $27 CAD + S&H
Publisher Usvat Corporation
This is the first volume from the Forests and Medicinal Trees Series.
In this book Liliana discuses topics on
Forests Statistics
Forests in Ancient Egypt
Energy and the Forests
Kirilian Photography, Trees Perception of Human Intention, Bio communication and Aura
Forests and Peoples
Forests and Human Consciousness
Forests in Philosophy and History
Forests in Buddhism Tradition
Can be purchased at www.ucbooksale.com
Banrs and Noble
Permaculture the Way of the Future
According to an article of BRIAN BARTH, 2016 Bill Mollison, the Tasmanian son of a fisherman who first coined the term 1978, defined “permaculture” as:
“The conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive systems which have the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems. It is the harmonious integration of the landscape with people providing their food, energy, shelter and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way.”
Is permaculture a gardening technique or a special approach to farming, like biodynamics? Is it some type of back-to-the-land, off-the-grid intentional community? Is it about sustainable architecture, aquaponics, philosophy, horticulture, design? Permaculture is all that and then some, which is why it’s so hard for anyone to capture what it means in one neat sentence.
In other words, permaculture is a holistic, living-in-harmony-with-nature worldview, as well as technical approach for how to do so.
Mollison eventually became a professor of biogeography and environmental psychology at the University of Tasmania, where he met David Holmgren, a graduate student at the time, who helped him develop the principles and practices that are now taught around the world in the standard Permaculture Design Course, typically a two-week immersive experience held on a farm or property that has been developed with a permaculture approach. The word permaculture is intended as a contraction of permanent and agriculture, which, as Holmgren notes, has been expanded to include culture in addition to just agriculture. The root word “permanent” is intended as a reference to sustainability – an unsustainable society would, by definition, eventually cease to exist; it would be impermanent. Practitioners are known as “permaculturists” or “permies.”
Mollison wrote a number of books over the years, including the hefty Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual, which is the bible for the movement. He also starred in Global Gardener, a docu-series made for Australian public television in the early nineties, which is now a cult classic available free online.
The proof of permaculture’s influence in the mainstream is everywhere.
None of that has stopped permaculture from being highly influential in the discourse of sustainable agriculture and green lifestyles. Though permaculture has largely been an underground social movement, its ideals and concepts have bubbled up in the mainstream more and more. I was a die-hard devotee in my early twenties, eventually earning my Permaculture Teacher’s Certificate and offering courses on everything from designing food forests to building bio-swales on the farm in California.
The proof of permaculture’s influence in the mainstream is everywhere: its basic tenets are embedded in every idea about sustainability that blares from the television or the menu of a farm-to-table restaurant. Here are five of its more well-known principles to help you understand what permaculture is all about.
Closed Loop Systems
Any system that provides for its own energy needs is inherently sustainable. This concept can be extended beyond things like biofuels and solar power to what permaculturists call “inputs,” like food and fertilizer. For example, rather than importing fertilizer to a farm or garden, the system could be designed to provide for its own fertility needs – perhaps from livestock manure or cover crops. And if you’re raising livestock, you should certainly aspire to provide all the food for your animals from on-site, whether raising grain, forage crops, or recycling kitchen waste as animal feed. Any permaculturist worth their salt would remind you that a successful closed loop system “turns waste into resources” and “problems into solutions.” “You don’t have a snail problem, you have a duck deficiency,” Mollison was fond of saying, which makes perfect sense if you’ve ever seen how gleefully ducks wolf down snails.
Perennial Crops
Permies aren’t the only ones to recognize that tilling the ground once or twice a year isn’t particularly good for the soil. Which is why they advocate using perennial crops that are planted just once, rather than annual crops which require constant tillage. Agroforestry, the cultivation of edible tree crops and associated understory plants, is emphasized – think shade-grown coffee or cacao plantations in South America. The only problem is that few crops that most of us eat are perennials; but there is no doubt that if we could replace all the monocultures of corn, soy, and wheat in the world with agroforestry systems (while still feeding the world), agriculture which be much more sustainable.
Multiple Functions
One of the more original ideas of permaculture is that every component of a structure or a landscape should fulfill more than one function. The idea is to create an integrated, self-sufficient system through the strategic design and placement of its components. For example, if you need a fence to contain animals, you might design it so that it also functions as a windbreak, a trellis, and a reflective surface to direct extra heat and light to nearby plants. A rain barrel might be used to raise aquatic food plants and edible fish, in addition to providing water for irrigation. Permies call this “stacking functions.”
Water conservation is a major focus on permaculture farms and gardens, where the earth is often carefully sculpted to direct every last drop of rain toward some useful purpose. This may take the form of terraces on steep land; swales on moderately sloped land (which are broad, shallow ditches intended to capture runoff and cause it to soak into the ground around plantings); or a system of canals and planting berms on low swampy ground. The latter is modeled on the chinampasof the ancient Aztecs, an approach to growing food, fish, and other crops in an integrated system, often heralded by permaculturists as the most productive and sustainable form of agriculture ever devised.
Let Nature Do the Work for You
The permaculture creed is perhaps best captured in the Mollisonian mantras of “working with, rather than against, nature” and of engaging in “protracted and thoughtful observation, rather than protracted and thoughtless labor.” On a practical basis, these ideas are carried out with things like chicken tractors, where the natural scratching and bug-hunting behavior of hens is harnessed to clear an area of pests and weeds in preparation for planting – or simply planting mashua under your locust trees. Locust trees are known for adding nitrogen to the soil, while mashua, a vining, shade tolerant root crop from the Andes, needs a support structure to grow on. Thus, the natural attributes of the locust eliminate the need to bother with fertilizer or building a trellis, while providing shade, serving as a nectar source for bees and looking pretty. By letting nature do the work of farming and gardening for you, one achieves another of Mollison’s famous maxims: “maximizing hammock time.”
Saturday, May 4, 2019
Edgar Cayce about Lost Tribes
Edgar Cayce the sleeping profet in readings on the Mayan Culture stated that "those people who were of the lost tribes " travelled by boat to American continent in 3000 B.C. 3000 B.C does not coincide with the known hystory of Hebrew people as passed down through the Torah. According to Hebrew tradition the term lost tribes refer to the 10 lost tribes of Israel that were scattered during the Assyrian conquest of the northern kingdom of Israel in 772 B.C. Cayce did not named the lost tribes Hebrew. The Masoretic Hebrew text of the Old Testament gives 2239 B.C. (292 years before the birth of Abraham. As the date if Noah flood, while the Greek Nd Samaritan version give 3119 B.C. date. It is interesting to note the Maya date marking the creation of the current world era was 3114 B.C. Also in support of Cayce's claim is the books of Mormons which details.the three ancient migrations to Americas. Two of these migrations.werr groups from.ancient Hebrew lands from the time.of the traditional lost tribes. The other was an earlier pre Abraham Semitic group that was Hebru. Cayce refer to the Assyrian period in several readings indicating that some of the ten tribes who were carried away was aped into south western portions of the North America. He also describes migrations.to England by individuals he referred to as "daughters of Hezekiah" who was King of Judah during the Assyrian conquest. To further complicate the issue in other life readings Cayce refers to "daugh9of Zedekiah" as Hebrew immigrants escaping to America England, Ireland India and elsewhere during the time of the Babylonian captivity. This period in Jewish histo6refers to the conquering of the last remaining Heb6kingdom and tribe (Judah) and is believed to have occurred around 586 B.C. In Cayce 's version of the Assyrian Babylonian story migration occurred over a period of several hundreds of years. He gave 3000 B.C. date for the list tribe migration. According to Gregory Little in his book "Mount Builders Edgar Cayce Forgotten Record of Ancient America" ,"It is possible that this "Lost tribe Group" was a semitic group descendant from Adam Seth and Noah who dispersed prior to God covenant with Abraham. Conventional dating of biblical events would.require a 3000.B.C.group to have migrated near the time of Noah flood. The Greek and Samaritan version give the time of 3119.for.the Noah Flood. Maya date for the creation of the current world era give 3114 B.C. Also in support of c Cayce is the Book of Mormon which details the migrations to the America. The book of Mormons detamiles three ancient migrations to America. Two of these migrations were groups from the a cient Hebrew lands from the time of the traditional lost tribes. The other was an earlier pre Abraham Semitic group that was Hebrew like in their worship of the one God. This later group left shortly after the flood. Descendants of all three groups were said to have mixed with the natives already living in the land becoming part of the native American population. These groups were part of not only the Maya civilization but in Mormon beliefs were thought to be responsible for the unusual earth work found in North America.
Friday, April 26, 2019
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Colonization and Deforestation with the help of United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
How Much?
The Pichis-Paleazu Special Project had $86 million budget.
Much has happened since a development scheme was first announced for the half-million hectares of tropical forest which form the Pichis and Pichis and Palcazu River valleys of central Peru. Because this land on the eastern slopes of the Andes was understood to be less densely populated and potentially more productive than the Andean highlands, yet relatively close to Lima's markets, the Peruvian government saw the valleys as sources for food and lumber, to be worked by colonists, surplus population from the nation's highlands and coast. A Special Projects Office for the Pichis-Palcazu Project was established in the Ministry of Agriculture in 1978 and had concentrated on titling land in the area, but when the Belaunde government was inaugurated in July 1979, Peru announced a greatly accelerated program.
Who is behind it?
In September 1980 the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) "was asked", an tentatively agreed, to finance essential infrastructure in the valleys - roads, centers for collecting and redistributing goods, and equipment to clear and prepare land.
Various sources reported that 15,000 colonists would eventually be settled in the area. In anticipation, land speculators and other entrepreneurs quickly focused on the valleys. Development hopes, however, hung on the premise that the land was up for grabs and awaited intensive exploitation with nearly bursting fertility. The native people, Amuesha and Campa who had been occupying and working this land for centuries but were left unmentioned in the initial reports and agreements, thought otherwise. So did many other people who, in turn, alerted a network of individuals and organizations throughout the world.
Martinez and Miller's subsequent report revealed a social situation far more complex than that suggested by the initial newspaper articles. They first noted that most large-scale development and colonization projects not only fail to achieve their constructive goals, but leave ecological destruction and displaced native people in their wake. The Pichis-Palcazu Project would probably not be an exception. They stated that "there are numerous constraints to development in the region due to problems of existing ethnic conflicts, land tenure disputes, social stratification, existence of poor institutional infrastructure...monopolistic economic activities, and forestry extraction concessions." In the Pichis-Palcazu area, much of the land was occupied but was still untitled, opening the way for problems with land speculators while also inhibiting local development projects. Miller and Martinez recommended that, before any development program was initiated or any road-building undertaken, land titling was essential. Colonization, they argued, should be de-emphasized in favor of local development.
At present, an extremely exploitative and hierarchical social system exists in the valleys, with native people generally disadvantaged as a group.
What ?
The government plans to take away their recognition [as communities], take away their legal titles, refuse to grant land titles to communities without them, relocate untitled native communities on the lands of those with title, and allow timber extraction concessions on native lands."
Human Price of Relocation
It is probable in view of past experience with colonization of the Peruvian humid forest region that the environment present in this region will in itself constitute a major problem to success of the project. Elsewhere, as for instance in the Tingo-Maria-Pucallpa Highway, the Huallaga Central area, the Cosnipata, neither planned nor spontaneous colonization by immigrant groups for outside the region can be termed in any way to be successful.
A history of repeated failures and retreats accompanied by resource devastation characterizes these places, [where] one currently survives only because of the illicit market for coca leaves. If the Palcazu Project is not to be another sad repetition of these failures and, eventually a rural slum area, it is essential that project planning be based firmly on what is practicable and realistic in terms of the physical environment - climate, soils, topography, drainage, and biological resources of the basin itself.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
The Earth versus Mining and Volcanic Eruptions
One aspect of a natural-gas production technique could be the cause of small earthquakes around Fort Worth, Texas, in recent years, a new study has found.
Published: August 28, 2009
July 4, 2006
North Wales shaken by earthquake
Environment and The Ozone Layer
"HAARP" is the abbreviation for "High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project". The name ofthis American project camouflages the fact that it has the potential for being a greater catastrophe for mankind than the creation of the atomic bomb. The truth of the matter is that the HAARP installation can be used to wage a science-fiction-type battle. We are dealing here with a reckless experiment. Under the guise of the harmless-sounding name of "HAARP", the American government is planning to bombard the sky with energy-rays from a vast installation of antennas.
These energy-rays will then be reflected back to Earth from the ionosphere as electric waves ofan extremely low frequency (ELF). This process is capable of transforming these ELF waves into a very insidious weapon for: These ELF vibrations are able to penetrate the brains of people and animals if the vibrations are aimed in their direction.
This will not only immobilize the victims preventing them from performing any movement or act of defense, but will also render them insane as well. A useful tool for the military, these waves can also penetrate walls of brick and steel.ELF frequencies improve radio contact and reception, even those within thick bunkers and atomic submarines.ELF vibrations can penetrate the Earth's surface and detect hidden bunkers.ELF waves can be used to track down and pinpoint missiles, airplanes and other flying craft even on the other side of the globe.ELF frequencies can entirely block electronic devices and radio waves ofthe enemy.
These capabilities present, however, merely one facet of HAARP's technology. Possible side-effects that are just as frightening must also be considered. The fact is that, to date, no one completely understands how the ionosphere will react when it is impacted by these energy-rays. We must bear in mind that the ionosphere is very fragile.
Together with the ozone layer, it protects the planet Earth and all life forms from the deadly rays of outer space. It is definitely possible that the additional energy-beams emitted by the HAARP program will not only disturb but actually destroy this sensitive system and the protective ozone layer.Of course, the various militarygroups and their scientists refuse to acknowledge this danger as they cheerfully assume that nothing is going to happen. Consequently, they are proceeding with the project despite the warnings and, by the year 2003 there will be 180 antennas that will initiate this madness. Testing is in progress at present with approximately 60 completed antennas in operation.
At the foothills of Alaska's mountain range, a forest of antennas is being built as a test site for radio warfare. Here is how it is supposed to work:Above the ozone layer lies the fragile ionosphere, a gaseous stratum enrichedwith electric particles called ions. Scientists intend to heat up this ionosphere by using HAARP's powerful antennas so that bundled, high-frequency radio waves can be shot into designated areas of the ionosphere. In turn, this will create artificially-curved ion clouds which can function much like optical lenses. These lenses will be used to reflect the low frequency ELF waves.
These vibrations can be used to determine the fix of an airplane, for example, but they are also useful for other disturbing and deadly objectives: They can be aimed at other regions on the Earth's surface, depending on the angle at which the radio frequencies are reflected back from the ion lenses.A long time ago, Mars lost its atmosphere. The same fate could soon threaten the Earth...the result of irresponsible and deranged Americans who must also take the blame for the most destructive insanity of World War II -the Atomic Bomb.
The U.S. Government is trying to pacify everyone by claiming that HAARP represents a purely scientific experiment but the truth is that HAARP camouflages an enormous ray-weapon project. The antennas constitute a gigantic, new potential advantage for the military elite while at the same time they present an immense potential danger for the entire planet and all of its life forms.
The obligatory environmental study for the HAARP project warns of the possibility of changes to the ionosphere that could influence the ozone layer, among other things. Interestingly enough, this study was not done by the American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), but rather by the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Navy.It should not come as a surprise, then, that in reality, the American military intends bombarding the ozone layer and the ionosphere with this ray weapon. After all, the Americans have always wanted to be the greatest and
N.B. Thistranslation contains errors due to theinsurmountable languagedifferencesbetween German and Englishmost powerful nation on Earth. However, it is self-evident that blame cannot be placed on those American people who are against this program and who have sincere, positive human intentions. They arelikewise not responsible for certain sickening elements who have the say, as well as the fact that other people are bound to jump on that group's bandwagon.In spite of all this, the question remains why such a risk is being knowingly undertaken with this kind of uncontrollable chain reaction within the confines of both the ozone layer and the ionosphere?
The answer is twofold:Job Creation for the military, as well as participating large and small businessesHAARP is a money-generating entity which has inherent power from the implementation of its weaponryHAARP technology can unleash a force which cannot even be remotely matched by any potential adversary. Until now, all nuclear attack scenarios included several nuclear explosive devices with high electromagnetic pulses (EMP) which were detonated at high altitudes. Using HAARP as a weapon, the same result can be achieved even without atomic energy.However, HAARP is capable of doing much more, for it can penetrate deep below the Earth's surface where, for example, oil deposits or the previously-mentioned secret bunkers can be located. The fact that certain types of radiation are not only dangerous but actually deadly for human beings, plants and animals is simply accepted without scruples. Although HAARP can be utilized as a super-radar device and, simultaneously, as a destructive device against flying craft, there exists no justification for jeopardizing the lives of all humanity, animals and plants, indeed the very existence of the planet. This fact seems irrelevant to the military elite, large corporation executives and the people with power within the U.S. government. On the contrary, these groups actually seem pleased they are neither violating agreements to discontinue nuclear testing (which hardly anyone follows anyway), nor the anti-ballistic defense systems or disarmament. They are furthermore pleased their criminal endeavors have escaped worldwide notice until now because their activities have been kept nearly a total secret and because the general public is simply not paying attention to this situation.Ray-guns and microwave wars are almost a reality yet man cannot afford to lose the ozone layer or any other stratum enveloping the world, let alone his own life and that of the plants and animals. Humanity cannot afford to jab away at the atmosphere with gigantic giga-watt devices that gouge the Earth's surrounding atmospheres, let alone to disturb, even destroy their harmony. At the very least, the wounds inflicted to these atmospheres through this insanity will never heal and will put all Earthly life into jeopardy, prehaps forever.Presently, the HAARP installation is only being used for modest testing yet climatic disturbances are already occurring worldwide which can no longer be disregarded.These facts do not seem to greatly trouble those people, nor their followers, who are in charge of the HAARP program. They even deny that natural disasters now occurring on a global scale have anything to do with their dangerous experiments. The Pleiadians/Plejarans insist, however, that there is indeed a direct link between the environmental pollution and destruction, and the global warming. Even though the HAARP tests are still at a low level, the program is already triggering floods, volcanic eruptions,earthquakes and stormy weather conditions.Airplane pilots have been instructed to give the installation a wide berth, thus the operation may already be in full swing, or will be sometime in 1998. Just one giga-watt of power from the unit is sufficient to burn a hole into the ionosphere. But at full output, the ray-weapon will be increased to 100 giga-watts...100 billion watts.It is a fact that this new ray-weapon will influence and damage the consciousness of human beings and animals and, of course, the entire gene pool of terrestrial animals, plants and humans. Likewise, the entire highly-sensitive energy-field of Earth could be manipulated to the point where the poles are displaced.The bombardment of the ionosphere presents many dangerous, destructive and deadly possibilities but those in charge do not give this matter even a second thought. As a result, they are forging ahead at full speed with this secret armament project to blast holes through the ozone and heat up the ionosphere.In 1945, American scientists, under the mandate of the U.S. government and military, detonated the first atomic bomb in recent history. Later on, they admitted they had failed to take into account beforehand what could really happen during the explosion; whether, perhaps, a nuclear chain reaction could have resulted which N.B. Thistranslation contains errors due to theinsurmountable languagedifferencesbetween German and Englishwould incinerate the entire atmosphere of Earth, even the entire planet. Their posture now is the same as it was with the atom bomb tests, and the chance of a disaster with HAARP remains 50:50. The experiment today is being conducted with the same odds as the detonation of The Bomb in 1945.Even though our worst fears did not materialize then because "everything went well", other dreadful scenarios resulted from these early experiments. New bombs were built and dropped upon residential areas killing hundreds of thousands of people. Untold numbers of people were mutilated by burns and many descendants of the radioactively-contaminated victims grew up resembling monsters rather than humans. Furthermore, huge territories were radioactively infected worldwide and have since become uninhabitable for many thousands of years. The contamination resulted from the testing of atomic bombs as well as their commercial use.As if this were not bad enough, atomic materials being used for peaceful purposes have claimed untold numbers of victims throughout the entire world by contamination through radiation, either accidentally, carelessly or with criminal intent. In these matters, America tops the list of offenders because the power-hungry people of that nation have sanctioned secret research criminally using radioactive treatment, medication etc., on thousands of innocent people in numerous villages and towns. Unfortunately, they are not the only country doing this. Whilethese facts have become at least partially common knowledge by now, they have yet to be fully uncovered. This type of research demonstrates such a lack of human compassion that we question whether they were, or still are, simply frightful, bloodthirsty and irresponsible monsters? The atom bomb, which has been and continues to be used for commercial purposes as a "peaceful source of atomic energy", has induced unending pain, misery and irreparable worldwide harm. The destruction continues.In spite of this, U.S. scientists are presently conducting and secretly planning a new atrocity against humanity, a highly controversial series of tests which will launch a new, futuristic, destructive and deadly weapon system. This system may be as destructive and deadlyas the atom bomb to the entire planet and all its life forms including mankind. The immediate result as well as the long-term results of this madness has the same uncertainty as that of 1945 when the first atomic bomb was exploded. Indeed, some shocked scientists want nothing to do with the entire matter.
They have the opinion that life on Earth in its present form and the existence of the planet are being jeopardized once again by the actions of power-hungry people, particularly by the U.S. government andmilitary.
The HAARP program is considered one of the greatest threats to the ozone layer by those scientists who still possess a sense of responsibility. Moreover, the HAARP program can affect many aspects on Earth including its outer spheres and all life forms. The possibilities range form skin cancer to alterations in the climatic zones, from violent storms and droughts to floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. It is obvious that all of this is a daily part of living even now, brought about by the insanity of overpopulation and its consequences like, for example, the destruction and pollution of our environment, resulting global warming and the shifting of weight in the
Earth's upper layer.However, ongoing HAARP experiments have been to blame for some time now for climatic changes which, in turn, have triggered worldwide earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods and environmental catastrophes. Those in charge of the HAARP program deny, of course, that such testing is generating this turmoil.
But the Pleiadians/Plejarans categorically state that this is the case. They further contend that HAARP will cause so much destruction, pain, suffering and devastation in the future that neither nature nor any living thing will ever be able to return to a normal state of equilibrium. The long-term effects will negatively influence everything on Earth, and recovery will all but be impossible.
In 1963, the Americans and the USSR detonated three hundred megaton atomic bombs in the stratosphere and ripped gigantic holes into the ozone layer. These are only a few of the many criminal atrocities carried out against mankind by the American and former USSR government officials. In truth, several dozen such crimes can be attributed to the Americans, Russians, French, Israelis, Chinese and others who pursue these same malicious goals.
What HAARP can perpetrate is far worse than anything ever seen before. The threat originates from its location, 320 km (200 miles) northeast of Anchorage. In this northern Alaska solitude, a forest of antennas which will consist of 360 towers, 24 meters hight (72 ft), is being built from which the military will shoot bundled high-frequency rays into the ionosphere. In experimental form, this has been ongoing for some time now with the result that more climatic and storm-related catastrophes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have increasingly been happening. The object of the experiments is to heat and partially displace the protective layer surrounding our planet. In the process, giant "lenses" are burnt into the ionosphere with the intent of bouncing bundled ELF waves back to Earth.
Bernard Estlund, an irresponsible student of Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), prepared the scientific groundwork for HAARP. He patented his work in 1985 under the menacing title, "Method and Mechanism for Changing an Area of the Atmosphere, Ionosphere and/or the Magnetic Sphere of the Earth". This project turned out to be global vandalism because immense amounts of energy with giga-watts of power are shot into the outer spheres of the Earth.
The current impact and future effects on this planet and all life forms, human, animal and plant, cannot be estimated in any way whatsoever.
A few years after his invention, Eastlund lost control of his patent when he developed financial problems. He stated that the antenna installation in Alaska is in reality a massive ray-gun, capable of destroying not only all communication networks but also missiles, airplanes, satellites and much more. He claims side-effects, both wanted and unwanted, include climatic catastrophes throughout the world or at least in some regions, and unrestricted deadly radiation against which there is no protection.
The choice of locations for this deadly turmoil will lie in the hands of the irresponsible military and government officials and others. There is also the side-effect of the entrance of death-bringing radiations against which there is no defense.
Billy ́ Eduard Albert Meier
Copy and reprint rights extended to all those interest