Showing posts with label Back Pain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Back Pain. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Medicinal Trees Noni Treats Over One Hundred Disease from Cancer to Back Pain

By Liliana Usvat    
Blog 361-365

Scientific name

Morinda citrifolia is the scientific name for the noni tree


It is in the family Rubiaceae.  Rubiaceae or occasionally called the Coffee Family is a group of flowering plants.  An interesting aspect to the noni tree Morinda citrifolia, is that it flowers on the outside of the fruit. There are relatively few fruits that produce flowers.  Usually plants will grow flowers, and then from the flower comes the fruit. Mulberrys also behave this way.

There are six total varieties of noni trees that produce noni fruit.  However, only one variety is medicinal.  The Polynesians knew this, so that is the type that they decided to introduce to Hawaii.  Noni contains over 165 compounds that are healthy for the human body. 

The adult tree can reach up to 40 feet in height, producing 20 lbs. of fruit by age five, and reaching 500 lbs. of fruit production thereafter. Noni fruit have been used as famine sustenance and as folk-medicine for centuries.

Medicinal Uses

Noni Treats Over One Hundred Disease from Cancer to Back Pain
Noni Fruit Lowers Cholesterol

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the roots, known as Ba Ji Tian, have been used to treat abdominal pain, impotence, and menstrual disorders

People with long-term chronic diseases sometimes see Noni Juice as a last resort. Even though we know that Noni juice seems to have helped many sufferers with their condition, we can only recommend that people start taking Noni as a healthy beverage to supplement their diet. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Noni Juice – Noni Drink Health Benefits : Energy, Sleep, well-being, Diabetes, CANCER, HIV-AID
Digestive Stimulant: Noni juice has traditionally been used as a laxative.
Anti-oxidants & Rejuvenation: Research has shown that Noni juice exhibits better antioxidant activity than grape seed extract and pycnogenol. To strengthen body system against allergic diseases like asthma, allergic rhinitis and skin eruptions.

Analgesic: The Noni tree is also knows as the ‘Painkiller and Headache tree’. Noni has been found to be 75% as effective as morphine sulphate in relieving pain without the toxic side effects.

Antibacterial, Antifungal and Antiparasitic: With the presence of active compounds like anthraquinones, scopoletin and terpenes, Noni is effective against bacteria and fungus.

Anti-inflammatory: Noni juice has shown similar results to the newer over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs, called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Anti-tumor/ anti-cancerous: Noni juice contains noni-ppt, which has shown anti-tumor activity.
Women Care
» To relive pre menstrual problems like depression, pain, mood swings and back ache.
» Can alter the Hormone replacement therapy for post menopausal syndrome
» For purifying blood and improves the texture of the skin.
» For Healthy & Shiny Hair Growth.
» To relive pre menstrual problems like depression, pain, mood swings and back ache.
» Can alter the Hormone replacement therapy for post menopausal syndrome
» For purifying blood and improves the texture of the skin.
» For Healthy & Shiny Hair Growth

Men Care
» Choice of daily tonic for highly skilled professionals like doctors, engineers, managers, business tycoons, advocates and IT Professionals
» Helps to enhance Sexual Activity
» Works as tonic and protector for regular smokers and drinkers
» Choice of health drink for the health conscious, who are regularly performing exercise or Yoga.

Senior Citizen
» To control diabetes and its complications.
» Depression, Insomnia & Other Mental Disorders.
» Problems of prostate, sexual weakness and urinary system.
» Before and after heart attack. Helps to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol & for Mild to Moderate blood pressure.
» As an Adjuvant in the therapy of Angina.
» To relive constipation & regularize bowel habits.

» To slower the progress of the cancer.
» When chemotherapy, radio therapy or surgery is contra-indicated.
» To minimize the side effects of chemotherapy and radio therapy.

» Immunity Promoter in HIV-AIDS.
» Helps to slower the viral load
» To prevent and treat skin diseases like psoriasis, syphilis, acne, etc
This is an impressive list, but when you fully understand how Noni Juice works, you will begin to understand why so many aliments receive the Health Benefit of Noni.

This plant is known among the people of the tropics worldwide. For thousands of years, only the islanders have known about it. In Malaysia, it is known as Mengkudu, in Southeast Asia - Nhau, in Samoa and Tonga - Nonu, in Raratonga and Tahiti - Nono, and it is called Noni in the Marquises Islands and Hawaii.  Different people in  tropics have more than 70 names for this plant, but “Noni” is the most world-widespread name now.

Ancient manuscripts handed down from generation to generation, describe many uses for this plant.
The ancients revered and benefited from all the elements of the Noni plant - fruit, leaves, and seeds. It was an essential component of the Tahitian culture and folk healthcare that was used to sustain life and restore lost balance. 

Noni was first discovered and used long before recorded history in South East Asia and surrounded territiries, when ancient Indian scientists began examining the world of Nature and looking for plants good not only for food, but aslo to treat diseases and beneficial for health. They developed a medical system of using plants and natural treatments called Ayurveda, Sanskrit for "the science of life." A highly advanced system of natural medicine, Ayurveda is still being practiced today.

Noni was considered a sacred plant and is mentioned in ancient texts as Ashyuka, which is Sanskrit for "longevity." Noni was noted to be a balancing agent, stabilizing the body in perfect health.
When Europeans began exploring the islands of the South Pacific in the late 1700s, they noticed it was widely used by the native people. Captain Cook is his journals mentioned of his observation of the island natives using Noni for food and medicinally.

During World War II, U.S. soldiers based on Polynesian islands were instructed in their field manual that Noni was recognized as a safe food staple to eat to sustain their strength.
In the early 90s, food scientist John Wadsworth got wind of Noni fruit, and he went to Tahiti to find out more. What he found was a fruit high in antioxidants and rich in a history of helping people. He partnered with other scientists and spent nearly three years formulating Noni juice.
Since then, a new Noni’s  life began. Today, millions over the world are discovering the health balancing properties of this once hidden island secret.


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Jabin Trees Used for Arthritis Headache Back Pain Insomnia

By Liliana Usvat    
Blog 340-365 

Dogwood Tree (English) Jabin  or Habin (Maya), Florida fishpoison tree, Piscidia piscipula, Fabaceae family


Native to Yucatan Peninsula, Florida and Caribbean.  Jabin (Ja'abin) trees reach up to 20 meters tall; leaflets are elliptic in shape and alternated pinnately compounds; small pale lilac-pink  flowers; pendant paper thin seed pods are pale cream colored and four winged with rippled edges. 

Since Habims are members of the Bean Family the fruits are legumes. The dangling legumes themselves are very slender, but each legume bears four paper-thin, fin- like "wings." A typical four-winged legume with its pedicel emerging from a cuplike calyx.

Medicinal Uses 

* Arthritis 
* Headache/Migraine 
 * Nerve/Back Pain 
 * Pain Relief 
* Sleep/Insomnia

Jabin tree bark is highly used by Mayan J-Men healers as a medicinal Mayan plant specially to help female's menstrual cycles.  Wood is heavy resistant to decay; its root bark extracts are medicinal as analgesic and antispasmodic properties. 
It has been used in herbal medicine for treating nervous conditions and pain
The tree has medicinal value as an analgesic and sedative.
The bark extracts may have potential for their anti-inflammatory, sedative, and antispasmodic effects.
Piscidia is a very serviceable pain medicine, especially for general body pains (such as after an accident or a jousting tournament) and as an adjunct for skeletal muscle pain. Its sedative effects are minimal which makes it useful for daily use as it does not impair the cognitive process.
Piscidia is that it is well tolerated with unwanted side effects being uncommon. This gives more room to play around with dosages when using it for treating pain.

Formulation and Combinations

Depending on what you are using it for, Piscidia combines well with other medicinal plants. It has an ‘adjunct’ quality, meaning it seems to increase the medicinal effects of other plants as well as having its own amplified when they are used together. Two specific plants  works particularly well with for pain are Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) and Hops (Humulus lupulus). The following are some helpful combinations.
  • For skeletal muscle pain; Skullcap, Pedicularis (Pedicularis spp.), Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa) and Willow (Salix spp.)
  • For insomnia due to body aches; Skullcap, Valerian (Valeriana officinalis), Wild lettuce (Lactuca spp.) and Hops.
  • For a recent injury; Valerian, Kava kava (Piper methysticum) and Wild lettuce.
Piscidia does not have obvious antiinflammatory effects, but since inflammation is a common factor in pain, it can be combined with antiinflammatories such as Willow, Licorice (Glycyrrhiza spp), Arnica (Arnica spp.), Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) and Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) to help reduce the sensation of pain while the above herbs decrease inflammation.


 Its blooms are an important source of pollen and nectar for bees in Yucatan, Mexico. Bees are blind to red, and to them orange, yellow and green are the same color –- yellow. 
Therefore, a honeybee visiting a white Habim flower with a green spot will see a flower with a yellow spot.

Reforestation Restoration of Soil
In one of those occasionally flooded areas near the mangroves with very thin to nonexistent soil atop limestone rock where regular trees give way to cacti, agaves and scrub usually less than head high, a dry-season-leafless, woody bush has been prolifically producing clusters of white flowers.

Piscidia piscipula can flower so abundantly when it's only knee high, and apparently live its life as a bush.  These scrubby, flowering ones might be a subspecies adapted to areas of very thin, dry soil.


Indigenous peoples all over the world used local poisonous plants to aid in catching fish, and because of this many plants bear common names descriptive of this use.Within its natural range, Native Americans used an extract from the bark, roots, twigs, and leaves of Florida fishpoison tree to sedate fish, making them easier to catch. A number of chemicals present in the tree's tissues are toxic to fish, the principal one being the well-known rotenone
